02: People’s response to His power and authority (Mark 1:21 – 45)

Healing miracles happened whenever He went, though preaching of the Kingdom was the primary purpose. Thus, people from everywhere flocked to Him.

πŸ‘‰ Read Mark 1:21 - 45

Q: When Jesus taught in the synagogue, a man of unclean spirit spoke out about Jesus’s identity. Why did Jesus rebuke him to be silent? (25, 34, 43 ~ 45)

ANS: Jesus didn’t want people to focus on healing rather than the gospel.

Note that Jesus didn’t go out to heal the sick but to preach the gospel. If people get used to enjoy healing and miracles, they will not pay attention to the gospel, especially the way of the cross. That’s why Jesus warned them not to tell about the miracles.

Q: What are the people’s responses when Jesus performed miraculous healings? (27-28, 32-34, 36-37, 45)  

ANS: they were all amazed, saying, ‘This is a new teaching with authority.’

All gathered around him

They searched for Him when He was gone.

Thus, they bothered Jesus’ preaching ministry.

Q: What is the purpose of Jesus' coming to the earth? (38)

ANS: to proclaim the good news, the coming of the Kingdom of God.

You might say, “Jesus came to save us.” Yes, it is right. However, let’s stick to the text, for now, until we understand salvation more.

Q: A leper came and knelt before Jesus and said, ‘If you are (          ), you can make me clean.’ Moved with (               ), Jesus stretched out his hand and (             ) him, saying, “I am willing, (                )!”

ANS: A leper came and knelt before Jesus and said, ‘If you are ( willing  ), you can make me clean.’ Moved with (  indignation  ), Jesus stretched out his hand and ( touched ) him, saying, “I am willing. (Be clean )!”

Yes, it is a word of faith. ‘if you are willing, you can fix my problem.’ Then, Jesus will say, “I am willing. Be free! I have paid all your debts.”

You will also become unclean if you touch a leper, who is unclean according to the Mosaic Law. However, Jesus didn’t become unclean; instead, the man was cleansed. 

Jesus didn’t need to touch that person. But He did it on purpose. It was out of compassion for him. Also, it foreshadows what kind of salvation He would bring to us. He became the brother of sinners and redeemed them through His hands and body. 

You’d better meditate and know Jesus’ love.

The whole world flocked to Him not because of His message but because of His healing. 


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