03: Conflict against the gospel for sinners (Mark 2:1 – 17)

The world seemed to welcome Jesus, but not all of them. At least some did not welcome the message of forgiveness of sins.

πŸ‘‰ Read Mark 2:1 - 17

When they lowered the paralytic on a (              ), Jesus saw their (           ) and said, “(                                ).” 

ANS: Stretcher, faith, Son, your sins are forgiven.

What is their faith? They believed Jesus would heal him without rebuking them if they brought him by all means. They believed in Jesus’ power and generosity.

The paralytic’s faith was also included in ‘their faith.’ It is improper to say that this man was forgiven by his friends’ faith.

‘Your sins are forgiven.’ In this case, his sin could be the cause of his sickness.

Why did Jesus say to the paralytic, “your sins are forgiven,” instead of “be healed”? (10)

ANS: It is to let them know the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins.

Using this occasion, Jesus proclaimed the gospel of forgiveness. What is the gospel here? Jesus has the authority to forgive sins. Where? On earth, before death! That means Jesus can forgive our sins even before we stand before the judgment seat of God. 

Despite all obstacles, if you come to the Lord as you are on your stretcher of weakness and failure, He will forgive your sins and make you whole.

When they saw this, they were all amazed and glorified (        ), saying, “We have never seen anything like (           ).”

ANS: God, this

The proclamation of forgiveness was confirmed by the healing. 

“Anything like this”: there had been many healing miracles, but none of them proclaiming forgiveness of sins. 

What is the purpose of Jesus’ coming? (17)

ANS: He came to call sinners. 

How much do you like that Jesus came to call sinners? 

When we consider ourselves more righteous than others, it is easy for us to criticize others. We also don't want that person to grow up spiritually to keep ourselves more religious than others. 

The world didn’t understand the gospel of forgiving sins because they thought they were righteous. If you welcome the message of forgiveness, you will forgive others.


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