04: Resistance against the new and better way (Mark 2:18 – 3:6)

As soon as Jesus exposited what the gospel was, the Pharisees started refusing it. And this refusal will escalate to His death.

πŸ‘‰ Read Mark 2:18 - 3:6

What was the reason that Jesus’ disciples didn’t need to fast? 

ANS: Because the bridegroom (Jesus) was with them

The purpose of fasting had been to restore their relationship with God or to get what they were praying for. Now, Jesus is already with them, and they have been reconciled with God in Jesus. Why do they need to fast? Jesus is the ultimate answer they have been praying for. Why do they fast to get the blessing? 

New wine should be stored in new wineskins. If the new wine refers to the gospel of Jesus Christ, what would the old wineskins refer to in the story of v23-28?

ANS: The law of Sabbath (24) The law of the sacred bread (26)

Also, it might refer to the old religious system through which they got pardoned for their sins and approached God. 

No form of religious system can contain the gospel of Jesus Christ. The rigid forms of human rituals could not embrace the dynamic works of the Holy Spirit. 

In church history, God has kept reforming the human organizations of the church. “The church must be constantly renewed and reformed by the Word and the Spirit of Jesus Christ, her head. Only in this way will the church be conformed to her Lord rather than to the spirit and idols of the age.” – from the spirit of the Reformation.

“The Sabbath was made for (               ), not people for the Sabbath. For this reason, the Son of Man is (             ) even of the Sabbath.”

ANS: people, lord

Note that the Pharisees accused the disciples of breaking the Sabbath law, but Jesus answered with David’s story, who had eaten the forbidden Showbread. 

Jesus’ saying illustrates the purpose of the law, not only the Sabbath law. It is to make people live. David’s violation was excused because he was hungry on his flee from King Saul. 

“Sabbath was made for people.” The Sabbath law was to give rest to those under the yoke of labor since Adam’s fall. Also, it makes them anticipate entering God’s rest in the future.

“The Son of Man is lord of the Sabbath.” There are two meanings in this statement. 1) Jesus has the authority to redefine or reinstitute the law of the Sabbath. 2) Jesus is the owner of the  Sabbatical rest, for He will make the REST for the sinners possible through His redemption on the cross. In Jesus, we will have true Sabbath, the rest.

According to 3:4 and 3:6, what is the Pharisees’ sin? 

ANS: They sought to assassinate Jesus.

Pharisees thought Jesus was spreading a wrong teaching about the Sabbath law. In some sense, they were right. Jesus was challenging their understanding of the Sabbath law. It was hard for the Pharisees to comprehend the gospel, for they were so preoccupied with their thoughts. They might not be blamed for their ignorance. But, their hostility would not be excused. 

Your thought or theology should be confirmed by your love for God and for others. 

Do you follow the new and fresh guidance of the Word and the Spirit every day? Or do you cling to the habitual religious pattern? 

Accept it and humbly follow His movement when the Lord tears down your life. Do not react with rage or hostility as the Pharisees did. The new wine keeps destroying the old wineskins.

Jesus suffered the cross of sinners to give us the rest of God. 


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