06: The Parable of the Sower: Hidden and Revealed (Mark 4:1 – 20)

Why don't all of them welcome the gospel? Why did some of them refuse or not comprehend? Jesus explains the reason in this chapter.

πŸ‘‰ Read Mark 4:1 - 20

Toward the crowd, Jesus taught with a parable (1- 9). When alone, he explained the parable upon their request (10- 20).

The seeds fell on (               ) were eaten by birds. You should keep the word you read or heard in your heart. Otherwise, (         ) will snatch the word.

The roadside, Satan

We should keep God’s word and sermon message in our hearts. Otherwise, we will forget it because someone diligently tries to take it away.

The seed fell on (                   ) sprang up at once because the soil was (              ). They don’t seriously meditate on the message nor have it rooted in the heart. They just lightly respond to it according to their own feelings. When (              ) comes because of Jesus, they immediately fall.

The rocky ground, not deep, persecution

We should have God’s word deep in our hearts and let it root down there. Ironically, the Sun will bring two opposite results on the plants. It gives life to a plant with deep roots. It kills a plant with no root. Persecution does the same. It makes our faith grow when we are firmly rooted in His words. Or, it makes us leave the faith when we only rely on our feelings.

The seed fell on (                 ) grew up. However, (              ) also grew up and choked it. The worldly cares, the (                  ) of wealth, and the (            ) of other things emerge and choke the (          ), and it produces nothing.

The thorny ground, the thorns, seductiveness, desires, word.

Note that the thorns also grow up. The field might look like a good field at the time of sowing. 

If you have worries about living and desires for success and wealth, they will grow up and suppress your spiritual growth. Do not ignore any little piece of those poisons. Unless you eradicate them entirely by the power of the Holy Spirit, they will come up and choke your passion for Jesus.

"Wordly cares" The literal meaning of the Greek word for 'worry' has a connotation of 'divided mind.'

“Seductiveness of the wealth” implies all sorts of lies and deceptions: wealth makes one happy, it helps ministry, I can get it if I try, etc.

“desires of other things” Those other things are not wrong to pursue. However, you will be distracted if you have too many things in your life.

A plant grown up in a thorny place looks excellent and standard. Everything is the same as the one in good soil except fruit. I hope not not to be like such a plant.

The seed that fell on the good soil produced grain. They hear the (          ), receive it, and bear fruit abundantly. 


The parable of the sower tells us that the outcome totally depends on how we respond to the word of God.

Note that Jesus didn’t say it produced 100 times, but 30, 60, or 100 times. Don’t say that the soil of 100 is better than the one of 30. All these are good soil. What matters is not their produce but whether their hearts are good soil.

This parable explains four different types of our hearts according to our responses to God’s word. To bear fruit, to see God’s works, our hearts should be a good soil for the word of God.

Why does Jesus teach them in parables? (9, 11 – 12)

To reveal the secret of the kingdom and to conceal it at the same time.

Verse 12, quoted from Isaiah 6:9-10, is hard to comprehend.  Does God not want Israel to repent? Then, why does God want to make them blind and dumb? The Lord didn’t want superficial repentance without admitting their hopelessness. He wanted to reveal their sinfulness from their hearts. How? The Lord hardened their heart until the crucifixion of Christ. Nailing the Son of God to the tree disclosed their sinfulness.

So, such a self-contradictory purpose is God's design. The secret was explained to Jesus’ disciples but not to those outside. 

God’s word is the same. Unless you stand before the Word with a humble and candid heart, His message will be hidden.

Why does God keep His word incomprehensible? 

He won’t let us understand the message unless our heart is ready. It is to prevent our hearts from using the knowledge for our evil desires.  Ex) We might defend our righteousness or accuse others with the bible knowledge. 

Also, He wants the divine secret to be learned through personal encounters. Otherwise, it will be distorted and mislead people to heretics.

This is God’s mysterious wisdom in His providence.

  • Until the time of the cross, it is hidden from the majority.
  • Until the time of the Gentiles, their hearts were hardened.
  • Until the revival of lost nations, the Western churches will suffer.
  • Until the lost one is found, ninety-nine will be left in the field.
All glory to the Sovereign Lord!


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