08: Jesus’ power over storm and demons (Mark 4:35 – 5:20)

Demonstrating Jesus’ power might give a credential to Jesus’ message. 

πŸ‘‰ Read Mark 4:35 – 5:20

When the disciples woke up Jesus desperately, Jesus calmed the wind and rebuked them, saying, “Why are you ( )? Do you still not have (             )?” They were overwhelmed by (           ) and said, “(                        )?”

Cowardly, faith, fear, Who then is this

If you don’t have faith, you will be full of fear before the storm of this world. When they realized Jesus was the Creator God, they feared Him. It is the Lord whom we need to fear, not the storm.

What shows their lack of faith? Even though they were with the Creator God, they were frustrated, thinking they would be drowned. Is the Lord with you? Then, why do you fear?

A man with an unclean spirit came out and met Jesus. Nothing could bind him. (            ) was strong enough to subdue him. He bowed down before Jesus and said, “(                  ), Jesus, Son of (                 )!” His name was Legion, for they are (            ). Jesus allowed them to enter a herd of (         ), and the herd ran into the lake and died.

No one, Leave me alone, Most High, many, pigs.

No one was able to cast out the unclean spirit. Jesus’ expelling him out shows His power. 

The evil spirit recognized Jesus’ identity. 

A Legion was a Roman army unit of about 6,000 soldiers.

Jesus' permission resulted in everyone seeing the great destructive power and number of the demons, and the man had experienced an amazing deliverance. Only Mark recorded the number of pigs ("about 2,000"). As usual, Mark drew attention to Jesus' awesome power. – Contable.

See the nature of evil spirits: hurting himself. "cut himself with stones" (5) "about 2,000 were drowned in the lake" (13)

Why do you think townspeople beg Jesus to leave the town? 

They feared Jesus’ power, which might cause more damage to their property. People want to have someone of great power as long as they can control that person. 

If you don’t trust in Jesus, you would not want Jesus to stay in your life because of His power.

When the man healed from the Legion of evil spirits wanted to follow Jesus, what did Jesus say to that man?

“Tell them what the Lord has done to you, that he had mercy on you.”

Note that Jesus commanded this man to spread the healing of Jesus, while He used to forbid spreading it at other times. Gerasenes is a gentile village. Jesus wanted the healing incident to be known to the Gentiles while concealing it from the Jews. 

Alongside the Jewish rejections, the gospel is being proclaimed to the Gentiles.


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