09: Faith is the hand to grasp Jesus’ power (Mark 5:21 – 43)

Healing the woman and raising up Jairus’s daughter show that faith is required for anyone who comes to Jesus.

πŸ‘‰ Read Mark 5:21 – 43

Q: Compare what Jairus said to Jesus (verse 23) and what the centurion said (Matt 8:8 – 11). What would the synagogue leader have said?

ANS: “Please heal my daughter.” Or "Say a word, and then my daughter will be healed."

He thought Jesus should come and lay His hands on his daughter to heal her. He is limiting Jesus’ power. 

Q: She came up behind Him and touched His cloak, for she kept saying, “(                                         ).” (             ), the bleeding stopped, and she felt it. 

ANS: “If only I touch His clothes, I will be healed.” At once

She spent everything she had to no avail, which means she was hopeless. When she heard about Jesus and he had come to her town, she really wanted to come to Jesus. However, she hesitated to come to Jesus through the crowd because she was ritually impure of her disease of bleeding.

Jesus seemed not to know of this healing. (We have no need to debate whether He really didn’t know it) Her healing happened solely by her resolute action without Jesus’ pre-arranged permission or promise. “From the days of John the Baptist (proclaimation of the Kingdom coming), until now the kingdom of heaven has suffered violence, and forceful people lay hold of it” (Matt 11:12).

Q: Jesus looked around the crowd and let her come out. He said, “Daughter, your (        ) has made you well. Go in (           ), and be healed from your (             ).

ANS: faith, peace, disease (affliction)

So many touched and pressed Jesus, but only this woman was healed because she touched Jesus’ clothes with a purpose and faith. 

Q: Why did Jesus say, ‘do not be afraid; just believe,’ when his daughter died? (hint: This saying is not from faith, 'Why trouble the teacher any longer?) 

ANS: Jesus challenged Jairus to believe that Jesus would raise her. 

Jairus might have thought it was too late as he heard of her death. Nothing is too difficult or too late for Jesus to fix. This is the faith that Jesus wants.

Q: When Jesus saw the people weeping and wailing, he said, “Why are you (               ) and weeping? The child is not dead but (            ).” He gently taking the child by the hand and sad, “(                     ),” which means, ‘Little girl, I say to you, get up.”

ANS: distressed, asleep, Talitha Koum

In those days, they used to call a group of people weeping and wailing throughout the funeral process.

When we are discouraged, Jesus would say, ‘Why are you discouraged? The problem that you are in now is nothing for me.’

‘I say to you, get up.’ Jesus’ proclamation has the power to raise the dead.

Again, here, Jesus forbade spreading the news of healing in this Jewish town.

Jesus has great power beyond people's imagination. Faith is the hand that brings His power into your life situation


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