13: Healing in Gentile Towns (Mark 7:24 – 37)

Jesus has broken their traditions derived from their misinterpretation of the purity law (Lev 11). A wrong application of the purity law was their alienation and hostility against the Gentiles. Then, Jesus visited the gentile region and healed them. 

πŸ‘‰ Read Mark 7:24 - 37

Q1. What was the Syrophoenician woman’s faith?

ANS: She humbled herself to be called a dog. She thought that only crumbs of Jesus’ power and grace were enough to heal her daughter.

Even crumbs of your grace are enough for me!

“I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God

    than dwell in the tents of wickedness.” (Ps 84:10)

“It is not right to take the children’s bread and to throw it to the dogs.” Jesus might have meant that becoming children of God is more important than being healed. It meant, ‘Do you want a blessing as children of God? Believe the gospel and become His child!’ 

Q2. What did Jesus say when he healed the deaf-mute? And its meaning?

ANS: Ephphatha (Be opened)

It is not understandable with our medical knowledge. However, the proclamation of the Creator makes all things happen. 

When His words are proclaimed in our hearts, His Kingdom will start in our hearts of chaos.

Decapolis means ten (deca) towns (polis). These Gentile towns are located to the east of Galilee Lake.

Q3. Find expressions that show Jesus didn’t want people to focus on healing rather than the gospel. (three)

ANS: verse 24, verse 33, verse 36.

Even in the gentile towns, Jesus forbade spreading the news of his healing miracles.

Q4. People were (                  ) astounded and said, “He has done (                 ) well.”

ANS: completely, everything

Jesus makes everything in your life be recovered and healed and, thus, brings the peace of God, Shalom.

Pharisees’ rejection of Jesus for the sake of human traditions makes a contrast with the confession of faith of a Gentile woman. Who is ready for the Kingdom of God?


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