14: Feeding of 4000 and Pharisees asking signs (Mark 8:1 – 21)

Jesus happened to feed four thousand with seven loaves of bread. However, the disciples failed to understand the meaning of the miracle. Jesus explains why they couldn’t understand. 

πŸ‘‰ Read Mark 8:1 - 21

Q1. Jesus tried to focus on teaching rather than healing. However, occasionally, He performed miracles of healing. Here in this passage, what motivated Jesus to feed the crowd? 

ANS: He has compassion for them.

Out of compassion, Jesus often healed them despite that teaching was his primary ministry.

They didn’t ask for food. But Jesus knew their hunger and fed them. Jesus wants to provide for our daily and trivial needs as well.

Q2. Jesus (           ) the bread to the disciples, and they (            ) the people. Everyone ate and was (              ). They picked up (             ) baskets of the leftovers. 

ANS: gave, serve, satisfied, seven

It is not that the disciples gave them bread, but Jesus. God provides His children through His servants. We, as the servants of God and of the church, are the deliverers.

After feeding them, Jesus dismissed the crowd and went to another town called Dalmanutha, on the Galilee Lake. This town might be the same place as Magadan and/or Magdala, but not certain.

Q3. What did Jesus answer to the Pharisees asking for a sign from heaven? 

ANS: “Why does this generation look for a sign? I tell you the truth, no sign will be given to this generation.”

Jesus' miracles explained that Jesus was, at least, a powerful prophet. However, Jesus claiming His authority to forgive sins alluded to having the authority of God. That’s why the Pharisees were asking for a bigger sign. 

Their approach seemed legitimate because we are to confirm it before we trust something in the world. However, it is not right with the Lord’s prophets. Deuteronomy 18:22 tells us how to distinguish false prophets. “Whenever a prophet speaks in my name, and the prediction is not fulfilled, then I have not spoken it…. You need not fear him.” If you wait, you will know whether he is a true prophet or not. The Lord Himself will disclose if He has sent the prophet or not. You must not look for a sign to evaluate the Lord’s prophets!

They could wait to know if Jesus had the authority to forgive sins or not. God showed that He had sent Jesus through the cross and the resurrection. It was the only sign given to the world who sought the sign from heaven. 

Q4. What would be the yeast of the Pharisees that Jesus warned at v15? (hint: v11-12)

ANS: An attitude of asking an evidence to believe

The Pharisees saw the miracles of Jesus. However, they wanted more signs that deterministically confirm Jesus as the Messiah. Jesus called such attitude the yeast of the Pharisees.  

Are you looking for more evidence that you could believe and follow Jesus? He has shown everything on the cross. The Sovereign God doesn’t want His Messiah to be evaluated by human knowledge. Believe and follow Him; you will be more and more persuaded.


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