16: The Transfiguration & Lack of Faith (Mark 9:2 – 29)

After the announcement of His death, Jesus showed His glory to the three disciples. Meanwhile, His disciples could not cast out the spirit from a boy. 

πŸ‘‰ Read Mark 9:2 - 29

Q1. Jesus was (                 ) on the mountain and talked with (              ) and (             ). A voice came from the cloud. “This is my one dear Son, (                    )”

Transfigured, Moses, Elijah, Listen to Him!

Transfigured: Jesus was transformed into a divine being. 

Jesus’ talking with Moses and Elijah portrays that Jesus is the Messiah that the Law (Pentateuch) and the prophets have prospected. Jesus will fulfill the Law and accomplish the prophecies. 

Jesus is a prophet like Moses, as Deuteronomy 18:15 foretells. If God sent a new prophet, they were supposed to listen to him regardless of what previous prophets had said. Jesus is the last prophet and will reveal God’s will completely. We are to listen to Him.

Q2. Find verses that show Jesus didn’t want Jesus’ divine identity to be known to the world. (two verses)

Verse 2, 9.

Jesus only took three disciples, not all of them, as eyewitnesses. 

Surely, Jesus’ salvation ministry was hidden from the majority of the Jews. It is because the Son of Man should suffer and be despised (12). Failure to recognize John the Baptist, referred to as the coming Elijah, has failed them to recognize the coming Messiah. As a forerunner of the Messiah who would suffer, John also needed to be despised and suffer.

Q3. “You (                        ) generation! How much longer must I be (           ) you? How much longer must I (            ) you? … All things are possible for the one who (                 ).”

Unbelieving, with, endure, believes

Jesus expressed His frustration that His presence didn’t generate faith in their hearts. Jesus was impressed by their lack of faith (4:40, 6:50, 52, 8:17 – 21)

Q4. The father said to Jesus, ‘If you are able to do anything’ (22). It seemed he didn’t truly believe Jesus would heal his son. What caused him to think that way? (18)

His disciples could not cast out the evil spirit. Therefore, the father wasn’t sure what their teacher could do.

Your failure would limit God’s power in their minds. Therefore, stand firm in faith.

Q5.  Why were the disciples not able to heal the boy? (28-29)

“This kind can come out only by prayer.”

‘Only by prayer’: They thought the healing power came from their ability or piety. It is why they ask, ‘Why couldn’t we cast it out?’ They should know that healing comes from the Father. He is the reservoir of infinite life and power. They didn’t connect the boy with the Father God through prayer. Therefore, nothing happened. Believing is being connected to the Father. Prayer in faith is the link with the Father.

Lord, help my unbelief!


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