19: Third Prediction & Disciples’ Blindness & Healing (Mark 10:32 – 52)

The disciples were reluctant to follow Jesus, who was going to die. Furthermore, James and John explicitly asked for higher places when the kingdom comes.

๐Ÿ‘‰ Read Mark 10:32 - 52

Q1. The third prediction of His death is more complete than the previous ones. What is new in the third? 

Jesus will be killed in Jerusalem

Jesus will be mocked and killed by the Gentiles.

The prediction comprises three elements. The Messiah will be betrayed and condemned by His own people, mocked and killed by the Gentiles, and rise again. 

Q2. When they asked for the higher ranks, what was Jesus’ answer?

“You don’t know what you are asking.” 

If you want to share Jesus’ glory, you should share His suffering as well. What they asked was the cup of Jesus’ suffering.

However, the glory of sitting next to Jesus is not something you can achieve through your works. 

Q3. This should be the way of the believers. ‘Whoever wants to be great among you must be your (              ). For even the (                ) did not come to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a (            ) for many.”

Servant, Son of Man, ransom

In the church of Christ, a spiritually mature person should serve the less mature. It is like an older brother takes care of younger siblings.

The Kingdom of God is a household of the Father God, not a business company where each one is rewarded according to performance. Rather, in a family, the father praises his children out of his love. Ignorant James and John tried to get the Father's recognition among the brothers by their works. They were totally mistaken.

Q4. (              ), a blind beggar, cried out, “Jesus, (                    ), have (         ) on me!”…. Jesus said to him, “Go, your (       ) has healed you.” Immediately he regains his sight and (            ) him. 

Bartimaeus, Son of David, mercy, faith, followed

He had been a blind beggar. But after healing, he became Jesus’ follower, and his name is written in the Bible.

Mark probably included this incident in his Gospel because it illustrates how Jesus would open the spiritual eyes of His disciples that were still shut (cf. 8:22-26). This is the last healing miracle that Mark recorded.

"This second account of the blind being healed (see 8:22-26 for the first account) concludes this central section of Mark (8:27—10:52) and serves as 'bookends' of this section. Such an arrangement of the passages alludes to the spiritual blindness of the disciples, who did not realize the necessity of Christ's death and the necessity of standing with Christ in opposition.

"This passage is the only place in Mark where someone called Jesus 'Son of David.' That Jesus accepted this title and healed the man is evidence that He affirmed the truth that He is indeed the Messiah." - Bailey

Call out, 'Son of David, have mercy on me! I want to see." He will open your spiritual eyes, and you will see the Kingdom vision.


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