01: The Word became Flesh (John 1:1 – 18)

Now the Word became flesh and took up residence among us. We saw His glory – the glory of the one and only, full of grace and truth, who came from the Father.

πŸ‘‰ Read John 1:1 - 18

1. Verses 1 – 5 talk about two attributes regarding the Word. The Word was fully (             ) and with (           ) (1-2). In Word was (          ), and the life was the (            ) of mankind (4). 

The Word was fully ( God  ) and with ( God  ) (1-2). In Word was ( life ), and the life was the (  light  ) of mankind (4).

John emphasizes the Word’s intimacy with God. Because He is so intimate with God, He could testify about God in a way no other can do. 

The Life in the Word radiates, so we might see the light, come closer, and live by the light. The Life of God follows us through Jesus Christ.

Here is a problem for mankind who are dying. Though the light shines, they have not mastered it. There are three possible translations for verse 5. ESV translates ‘has not overcome it.’  KJV has ‘comprehend it not.’ The NET version seems to include both meanings, such as ‘has not mastered it.’ They couldn’t comprehend the light or extinguish it.

2. When a light turns on in a dark room, you will know instantly. Here, John came to testify about the light. Why did they need someone’s witness to recognize the light? (verses 5, 10, 11)

They didn’t recognize the light nor receive it.

A spiritually blind man cannot recognize the light of Jesus. 

The world has two problems: blindness and wickedness. The two problems caused the world not to recognize or receive Him. 

Note that the gospel is being given as someone's testimony, and we are to believe it.

Believing in Jesus' name is believing God's promise and blessings allowed in the Name: answering of prayer, the kingdom inheritance, etc.

3. Why do you think those who believe in Jesus’ name would become God’s children? (verse 13)

Verses 10-11 say the world doesn’t receive Him. Anyone who belongs to the world will reject Jesus. Therefore, if you receive Jesus, it is not from the world but from God. 

Because he was born by God, he is a child of God. Verse 13 uses the word ‘to give birth.’ It is a new life.

John didn't say, 'to inherit eternal life,' but 'to become God's children.'

4. The law through Moses tells us who God is: his fairness, holiness, and retribution attributes. What do know about God through Jesus Christ? (14, 17, 18)

We know grace and truth from God.

‘took up residence among us.’ The literal translation is ‘pitched a tent among us.’ This reminds us how the Lord’s tabernacle resided among His people in the wilderness.

As we experience grace and truth from Jesus Christ, we see the radiant glory of God’s character. As we stay in the light, our soul is nourished. 

I hope you have experienced grace and truth. Note that our God is not the God of the law but the God of grace and truth. Grace and truth could not be known through the law. Thus, God Himself came in a human to impart life.

The authenticity of Jesus’ testimony is guaranteed by His intimate relationship with God (verse 18)

Jesus became a man and laid down His life to show us who God is and to bring God’s presence among us. 


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