02: Look, the Lamb of God! (John 1:19 – 34)

Just as they didn’t recognize Him, we would not recognize Christ. That's why we should listen to John’s testimony about Him and know what He would do.

πŸ‘‰ Read John 1:19 - 34

1. How does John identify himself? 

The voice of one shouting in the wilderness

2. Jesus said John the Baptist was Elijah and more than a prophet (Matt 11:14, 11). However, John refused to be called Elijah nor a prophet and called himself a voice. Why? (27, 30, 33)

Jesus was far greater than John. Calling himself a prophet would not be proper before the transcendent greatness of Christ.

John explains Jesus’ greatness in three ways. “I am not unworthy to be His slave.” “He existed before me.” “He baptizes with the Holy Spirit.”

Any human title and human ability will be nothing before Christ and His power, like a voice that is spoken once and gone.

3. What was John’s answer to their question, ‘Why are you baptizing if you are nobody?’ (pick one verse from 26 – 31)

Verse 31. It is to reveal Jesus Christ to Israel

Any ministry should be to reveal Jesus, not you. Thus, they need to encounter Jesus and be baptized with the Holy Spirit. Then, your job is done. 

4. The world did not recognize Him. Neither does John (31, 33). Then, how could John testify about Him? (33)

The one (God or a messenger of God) who sent him to baptize with water told him, ‘the one on whom you see the Spirit descending, this is the one who baptizes with the Holy Spirit.’ 

Descending of the Holy Spirit was the sign to identify Christ. Though he didn't know Jesus, how to identify Him was given. When Jesus was baptized, the Holy Spirit came like a dove. Thus, John realized He was the Chosen One of God. 

God orchestrates every detail behind the scenes. We are His actors. Each of us is given our own instructions, not of the full scenario, but enough for us to do our own tasks. 

5. What is Jesus’ title according to John's testimony? 

The Lamb of Gd

The Chosen One of God ('the Son of God' in literal translation)

We know this title fits Jesus' ministry on the cross. However, the full story was hidden at this moment. Thus, this title might not fit their expectation for the Messiah who will deliver Israel from Rome. 

John might have the same expectations as theirs. That’s why he asked Jesus later, ‘Are you the One who is to come? Or do we need to wait someone else?’ 

Regardless of what John understood about the Messiah, this title hints at how God would deliver His people. Not from Rome, but from sin. And through the sacrifice of the lamb of God.

The prophecy of the lamb of God is in Isaiah 53:7. "He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth; like a lamb that is led to the slaughter, and like a sheep that before its shearers is silent, so he opened not his mouth."

To be forgiven, to forgive, to fight against sins, and to be filled with the Holy Spirit should be the primary reason when you seek Jesus. Note that John didn't say that Jesus would heal and feed us.


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