03: The Gospel by Testimony: Come and See. Follow Me. (John 1:35 – 51)

Because the Word became a man, they needed to encounter the man and follow Him rather than only studying the Word.

πŸ‘‰ Read John 1:35 - 51

1. John’s two disciples, at hearing of John’s testimony about Jesus, wanted to meet Jesus. What were Jesus’ words to them? 

Come, and you will see.

Jesus didn’t say, 'Repent for the kingdom of heaven is near.'

'Four o'clock in the afternoon' means two hours before sunset. They stayed with Jesus that night.

We often pray, 'Lord, let me know your place so that I come to you anytime I need' or ' Teach me so that I can follow your way.' However, Jesus said, 'Come and stay with me. Then, you will know me and my way.'

2. Andrew, who was (            )’s disciple and now Jesus’ disciple, told his (             ) Simon, ‘We have found the (               )!” 

John, brother, Messiah

Andrew introduced Jesus to Peter and brought him to Jesus. The passage emphasizes Andrew’s role as a witness. Andrew had a conviction that Jesus was the Messiah. You should have confidence in the gospel in order to share with anyone. 

Jesus named Simon Peter, which means rock.

3. What can you say to those who are skeptical about the gospel? (46)

Come and see

The church should be the place where anyone with a skeptical attitude toward God’s gracious salvation could come and experience the gospel. 

4. What made Nathanael believe in Jesus? 

Jesus showed His supernatural ability to Nathanael to see without physical presence. 

5. What is the greater thing that you can expect when you come to Him other than miracles? (51)

Live fellowship with God. Pouring of His Spirit

Verse 51 portrays Jacob’s dream on his flee. That dream confirmed Joseph that the Lord would be with him wherever he fled. Jesus promised that the fellowship with God would be restored through Jesus Christ. 

They encountered Jesus through someone else’s witness. They got their conviction that Jesus was the Messiah through their experience with Jesus. These expressions illustrate the nature of the personified gospel and the Incarnated Word.

Come to Jesus and follow Him. You will know Him and His kingdom.


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