21: Controversy over Jesus’ authority & the Vineyard Tenants (Mark 11:27 – 12:12)

As Jesus cleansed the temple, the religious leaders asked what authority Jesus could do such a thing. 

πŸ‘‰ Read Mark 11:27 – 12:12

1. Jesus implicitly answered their question this way, ‘My authority is the same authority of (                    ).’ Their response in verses 31 – 33 alludes that they oppose Jesus for the same reason they ignored John. Their unwillingness to (             ) him hardened their hearts. And fear of the (            ) blinded their spiritual eyes.

John the Baptist, believe, people

Jesus and John have the same authority, the authority of the one who sent them.

They didn’t believe John because he proclaimed the message of repentance, and they didn't want to repent. John did not perform any miracle, but his message was authentic, for the message of repentance is always relevant to us. 

Because they didn't accept John the Baptist, they failed to recognize Jesus, whom John had witnessed.

They sought human glory and feared the people. Such an attitude blinded their eyes.

2. From the parable of the tenants, the owner of the vineyard refers to (             ). The (             ) are the religious leaders. The (            ) of the owner refers to the prophets, and the son is Jesus Christ.

God, tenants, slaves

At hearing the parable, they realized Jesus was talking against them (12). 

3. “The stone (                  ) rejected has become (                          ).”

The builders, the cornerstone

The builders refer to the religious leaders. The rejected stone refers to Jesus. The house the builders were building refers to God’s people, Israel. 

Jesus meant that the Messiah would be rejected by the leaders but become the capstone of the church, the people of God. Such a plan came from God and is marvelous to human eyes (11).

Jesus’ authority is the same authority of John the Baptist. And Jesus came with the authority of the owner of the vineyard, God. When His authority was not explicitly known, they questioned and challenged His authority. When it is explicitly known, they killed Him.

Do not follow the mistakes of the religious leaders who were reluctant to repent. Always be humble and repentant, and do not seek human glory, and then you will recognize your Savior. 


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