23: The experts in the law: Knowing but Not doing (Mark 12:35 – 44)

Jesus revealed the ignorance of the experts in the law and lack of doing. The problem of the religious leaders was their incomplete devotion in comparison to the poor widow who offered everything.

πŸ‘‰ Read Mark 12:35 - 44

1. What is the greatest commandment and the second?

Love the Lord your God with all your heart

Love your neighbor as yourself

They acknowledge Jesus answered right. Jesus appraised their right understanding of the importance of love over sacrifices (33-34).

Loving is more important than participating in Sunday service and bringing tithe.

2. In verses 35 – 37, Jesus revealed the limitation of human understanding regarding the Messiah. They couldn’t comprehend the Messiah would become the (           ) and (        ) of David at the same time.

Lord, son

In the flesh, Jesus was a descendant of David. By the power of the Spirit, He was proclaimed the Son of God through resurrection. 

No one can comprehend this without encountering Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

3. What is the problem with the experts in the law (38-40)?

They didn’t do anything. 

They said love is the utmost command but didn’t love God by seeking the seats of honor, and neither did their neighbors by devouring widows’ property.

If they had kept the commandments of love, they would have recognized the Messiah.

4. Jesus appraised the widow’s offering. ‘They all gave out of their (          ). But she, out of her (            ), put in what she had to live on, (             ) she had.’

Wealth, poverty, everything

Only the one who loves God can offer his or her everything.

What matters is not how much you work or offer but how much wholeheartedly you devote yourself.

In verses 13 – 40, the religious leaders - the Pharisees, the Sadducees, and the experts in the law - tried to test Jesus. However, ironically, their hypocrisy, ignorance, and lack of faith and deeds were revealed. And the following passage of the poor widow concludes those failures came from not-wholehearted devotion.


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