25: Stay alert! (Mark 13:14 – 37)

We have to watch out not to miss the sign of the end days. And, as we see the signs, we have to stay alert doing the work given to us.

πŸ‘‰ Read Mark 13:14 - 37

1. In the time of the beginning of birth pains, we are to endure the hardships and evangelize. But when the suffering becomes too severe, physically or spiritually, how can we be saved? (20)

The Lord will cut short those days.

Note that it is the Lord who protects and upholds our faith in the final stage, though our endurance is required at the beginning. 

If your focus is on how to get out of trouble, you will be misled by the false prophets who proclaim the gospel of prosperity and the gospel of indulgence. Focus on standing firm in faith. (22-23)

2. “In those days, after that (              ), the (         ) will be darkened…. The powers of the (               ) will be shaken. Then (               ) will see the Son of Man arriving in the (            ) with great power and (             ). Then He will send angels to gether His (           ) from the four (            ).”

“In those days, after that (suffering ), the ( sun ) will be darkened…. The powers of the ( heavens ) will be shaken. Then ( everyone ) will see the Son of Man arriving in the ( clouds  ) with great power and (  glory  ). Then He will send angels to gether His ( elect  ) from the four ( winds  ).”

Such celestial phenomena might refer to the end of the old creation, including the spiritual authorities. (24-25)

Everyone will see His coming. We don’t need anyone’s report. Also, we don’t need to look around in search of the Lord because His angels will come and take us to the Lord.

The “four winds” encompass all directions or the “four corners of the earth.”

3. As you see those signs of the end days, be certain that the Lord is right at the (              ). Heaven and earth will pass away, but (           ) will never pass away.

Door, my words

As we see the suffering of the church and her failure to overcome the prevailing evil of the world, our confidence in His return dwindles. However, the suffering of the church would be a sign of the imminent return of her bridegroom. He will surely come back!

4. What is the reason that we should stay alert? (32, 33, 35) 

We don’t know when He comes back. 

Staying alert is not doing a lot of work desperately but just doing your work, acknowledging that He would come anytime.

If you read the sign of the end days, you should be faithful in your work, a kingdom ministry given to you. Remember that even Jesus Himself doesn’t know the time. Not an exaggeration! Therefore, be faithful in your ministry of the gospel as if He returns anytime soon.


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