27: The passion: Lord’s supper & Gethsemane (Mark 14:22 – 42)

On the Passover meals, they recounted the deliverance from their slavery in Egypt through God’s miraculous works. Now, Jesus proclaims the deliverance from their sins through His body and blood and promises the completion of the deliverance in heaven, not in Canaan. 

πŸ‘‰ Read Mark 14:22 - 42

1. “This is my blood, the blood of the (             ), that is poured out for (         ). I will no longer drink of the fruit of the vine until the day when I drink it (           ) in the (                 ).” 

Covenant, many, new, kingdom of God

They used to share the meat of the Passover lamb. On this night, their sharing of the bread and the cup implies that Jesus was the Lamb to be slaughtered for the people on the table.

Matthew’s record (Matt 26:26-30) clarifies that the blood was for forgiveness of sins. 

“I will no longer drink,” Jesus announced the termination of the Passover feast as a remembrance of the Exodus and promised a joyful feast with new wine in the kingdom of God. 

Thus, all Christians who participate in the Lord’s Communion should remember three things: Jesus’ death, the forgiveness of sins, and hope for a reunion with Him in heaven.

2. “I will strike the (              ), and the (          ) will be scattered.” “But after I am raised, I will go (         ) of you into Galilee.”

Shepherd, sheep, ahead

It is the Lord God who strikes Jesus, their shepherd. 

It is not that the sheep abandon the shepherd. He is stricken and not able to care for His sheep, and thus, the sheep will be scattered. It is the Lord who takes hold of our faith. 

However, Peter thought he could keep his faith by his resolute will. 

“I will go ahead of you.” After the resurrection, Jesus will gather His disciples again, just as He had gathered them in Galilee at the beginning. He will gather us again unless we reject Him. How blessed it is to be the sheep of a good shepherd like Jesus Christ!

“Even if they all fall away, I will not.” Peter wanted to boast his faith was better than others. His prideful assertion would return in shameful bitterness later. 

3. Jesus prayed the same prayer (            ) times. “Father, (      ) things are possible for you. Take this cup (           ) from me. Yet not what I will, but what (         ) will.”

Three, all, away, you

“all things are possible.” Was it possible for God to save us not through the cross? It is hard to answer this question. But we can say that God wanted to save us through His body and blood, not only through His words. He wanted to make us His children, not only to pardon our sins. 

I’m so thankful for the active obedience of Christ. No hope without it – Gresham Machen

4. “Are you still sleeping and resting? (             ) of that! The hour has come. Look, the Son of Man is (            ) into the hands of (             ). Get up, let us go. (           )! My betrayer is approaching!”

Enough, betrayed, sinners, Look

Jesus was so embarrassed at being betrayed by one of His disciples.

Striken by the Father, betrayed by the disciple, and unaccompanied by His chosen disciples, but He actively obeyed and surrendered to the Father’s will. 

“He endured punishment that made us well; because of His wounds, we have been healed.” Isaiah 53:5


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