29: The passion: Rejected by His People & Mocked by the Gentiles (Mark 15:1 – 20)

The religious leaders handed over the King of the Jews to Pilate and manipulated for Jesus to be crucified. The King of the Jews was mocked by the Roman soldiers.

πŸ‘‰ Read Mark 15:1- 20

1. The religious leaders wanted Jesus to be killed through (              ) at the hands of the (               ). They handed Him over to (               ). The crowd wanted their King to be (              ). The Roman soldiers mocked Him for being (                      ). Through all these events, they wanted to tell the people that Jesus could not be the (          ), the Savior of Israel.

The religious leaders wanted Jesus to be killed through ( crucifixion ) at the hands of the ( Gentiles ). They handed Him over to ( Pilate ). The crowd wanted their King to be ( crucified  ). The Roman soldiers mocked Him for being ( the King of the Jews ). Through all these events, they wanted to tell the people that Jesus could not be the ( King ), the Savior of Israel.

 ‘after forming a plan’ (verse 1). They wanted Jesus to be crucified and so stirred up the crowds (verse 11).

It was important for them to convince the people that Jesus could not be the Messiah. Therefore, they have discussed how to make Jesus to be crucified by the Gentiles.

They wanted to show the people that Jesus could not be the Messiah of God because He was cursed by God. His death on a tree tells God’s curse on Him. ‘the one who is ledt exposed on a tree is cursed by God.’ Deut 21:22. 

Also, in their thought, Jesus should be killed by the Romans. Ans such a death shows He could not be the Messiah who needed to save Israel from Rome.

In this way, the religious leaders wanted the people to give up Jesus as their Messiah so that the Jesus movement would stop.

However, their very methods to deny Jesus’ Messiahship turned out to be God’s method to save those who were under the curse of sin. Their rejection of Him as the King of the Jews turned out God’s providence to make Him the King of all nations. 

“you say so’ (2). Jesus’ answer is ‘yes and no.’ He meant, ‘Yes, I am the king, but not the king you think of. My kingdom is not of this world.’ (John 18:36-38). 

2. The soldiers put a (             ) and a (                 ) on Him. They saluted, ‘(                   )!’ They struck Him of the (             ) with a staff and (         ) on Him.

The soldiers put a ( purple cloak) and a (crown of thorns) on Him. They saluted, ‘(Hail, King of the Jews)!’ They struck Him of the (  head) with staff and (spit) on Him.

After being flogged severely, he became exhausted and drained. Ans they mocked Jesus this way.

3. The crowd was (            ) by the chief priests. Pilate sentenced the crucifixion of Jesus to (           ) the crowd. The soldiers made (          ) of Him without showing pity. But, the worst are the religious leaders who actively rejected the Messiah.

stirred up, satisfy, fun

The crowd had seen Jesus’ miraculous power, some of them experienced healing, and shouted ‘Hosanna!’ when Jesus entered Jerusalem a few days ago. Pilate was amazed at Jesus’ words and attitude (5). The soldiers knew that Jesus was innocent. They had chances to explore more about Jesus and His messages. But, they chose to seek own pleasure and benefits.

The gospel message and the promises of the Kingdom were given to you. No one fully comprehends the depth and width of the blessing God has reserved for us. But, many are busy seeking temporal satisfaction, neglecting the promises of Jesus that are available through His blood. 

The King of the Jews rode on a donkey. He was ignored and overlooked and, thus, was mocked and crucified. But God glorified and lifted Him up to be the King of kings. 

If you believe that His wounds were to heal us and that His way will be rewarded later, you won’t be ashamed of following His ways.


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