30: The passion: Jesus' Crucifixion and Meaning of His Death (Mark 15:21 – 47)

Mark described how Jesus died (21 – 32), the interpretation of His death (33 – 41), and His burial that foreshadows His resurrection (42 – 47). Try to answer this question, 'how to interpret the cross?' when you read the passage.

πŸ‘‰ Read Mark 15:21- 47

1. Jesus’s crucifixion was full of abnormalities (21 – 32). (               ) from Cyrene was forced to bear the unwanted burden. Jesus didn’t want to take the (            ) mixed wine. The King of the Jews was crucified together with two (                ) at the place of (             ). Everyone mocked and asked Christ to come down from the (              ). 

Jesus’ crucifixion was full of abnormalities (21 – 32). (  Simon  ) from Cyrene was forced to bear the unwanted burden. Jesus didn’t want to take the ( myrrh  ) mixed wine. The King of the Jews was crucified together with two ( outlaws ) at the place of ( Skull  ). Everyone mocked and asked Christ to come down from the ( cross ). 

They have seen many victims being crucified and found watching it unpleasant and disgusting. But the crucifixion of Jesus was not like one of the others.

Instead of Jesus, Simon was forced to carry the cross. Jesus refused to lessen the pain of crucifixion. 

They mocked their Messiah, ‘save yourself!’ ‘He saved others, but he cannot save himself!’ God’s plan to save sinners through the death of the Savor was hidden from their eyes. 

2. While verses 21 – 32 describe how Jesus died, verses 33 – 41 portray the meaning behind such a death. Jesus cried that He was forsaken by (              ). Others thought Jesus was calling (             ). After the death, the (               ) acknowledged Jesus as God’s Son. There were (              ) watching.

While verses 21 – 32 describe how Jesus died, verses 33 – 41 portray the meaning behind such a death. Jesus cried that He was forsaken by ( His God ). Others thought Jesus was calling ( Elijah ). After the last breath, the ( centurion ) acknowledged Jesus as God’s Son. There were ( women  ) watching.

Jesus confirmed that such a cruel and merciless death was the will of God. 

It was the centurion who first recognized Jesus’ true identity, the Son of God.

The women will become eyewitnesses of Jesus’ crucifixion. Thus, we believe their testimony in the Gospel of Mark was true.

3. (              ), a member of the Jewish council, looking forward to the (                       ), came and boldly asked for Jesus’ body. Though His death was like that of one of the outlaws, His ( ) was that of a nobleman. Two women looked carefully at where the (          ) was placed.

 ( Joseph ), a member of the Jewish council, looking forward to the ( Kingdom of God ), came and boldly asked for Jesus’ body. Though His death was like one of the outlaws, His ( burial ) was one of a nobleman. Two women looked carefully at where the ( body ) was placed.

Jesus’ burial in a rich man’s tomb foreshadows the ascension of Jesus’ status. Women’s watching alludes that the story is not yet done. 

Jesus didn't want to reduce but took the full burden of the shameful and painful cross. However, they didn’t empathize but mocked His sacrifice. Though He was humbled to be among the robbers, He will be elevated after the death. This is God’s way for our salvation. How precious is His blood for us!


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