05: God so loved the world that He gave his one and only son (John 3:1 – 21)

Unlike the other gospels, John explicitly proclaims the gospel of eternal life 

πŸ‘‰ Read Bible text

Q1. “I tell you the solemn truth: unless a person is born of (         ) and (         ), he cannot enter the kingdom of God. What is born of the (           ) is flesh, and what is born of the (          ) is spirit.

Water, spirit, flesh, spirit.

Those who were born from above are born of water and spirit. (3, 5)

‘born from above’ = ‘born again’

Born of water: cleansing of perceivable sinful acts: repentance, baptism, resistance against sin.

Born of the Spirit: renewal of the heart by the Holy Spirit. You love God and your neighbor from your heart.

The born from above is a whole new creation, not an amended and improved old creation. That means, no matter how much good work you do, you wouldn’t be qualified for the kingdom of God. 

As we know the wind only through swaying branches, we only sense the Holy Spirit through His works in a person. We cannot sense the Spirit when He is strained in our stubborn inclination to the flesh. And any trial to manipulate the phenomena of the Holy Spirit is offensive to Him and deceptive.

Q2. Nicodemus couldn’t understand what to be born of the Spirit (9). Jesus answered this way. They should believe Jesus’ (           ), for He is the only one who can testify to (           ) things (11 – 13). To be born of the Spirit is to (           ) in Jesus who is lifted up. By believing Him, we will have (          ). (14).

They should believe Jesus’ ( testimony ), for He is the only one who can testify to ( heavenly ) things (11 – 13). To be born of the Spirit is to ( believe ) in Jesus, who is lifted up. By believing Him, we will have ( eternal life ). (14).

Jesus said ‘our testimony’ not ‘my testimony.’ 

Just as Moses lifted up the bronze serpent in the wilderness so that anyone who looked at it could live (Num 21:5 – 9), Jesus will be hung on the cross so that anyone who believes in him will have eternal life. Though they couldn’t understand, they were healed. So will live those who believe in Jesus.

Q3. For this is the way God (         ) the world: He gave His (            ) Son so that everyone who (           ) in Him will not perish but have (           ). God’s purpose in sending His Son is not to (         ) the world but to (        ) the world.  

For this is the way God ( loved ) the world: He gave His ( one and only ) Son so that everyone who ( believes ) in Him will not perish but have ( eternal life ). God’s purpose in sending His Son is not to ( condemn ) the world but to ( save ) the world.

Why does God save them through the death of His Son? Love! 

Jesus didn’t come to condemn sinners but to save them. Knowing this purpose would let you understand the Bible and read God’s intention.

Q4. Though Jesus didn’t come to condemn, their responses became their judgments. A person who does evil doesn’t come to Jesus, the Light, and thus could not live. Then who would come to Jesus? 

The one who practices the truth.

Not believing Jesus itself tells being condemned, for that person has no hope of life. 

‘Practices the truth’: Jesus didn’t say the one who does good would come to the Light. Everyone does sin. When the light shines in their hearts, some of them come to Jesus, relying on the forgiving grace. If you deny your sins, you are lying, and the truth is not in you. Thus, to practice the truth is to acknowledge one's own sinfulness and to come to Jesus.

On the contrary, anyone who doesn’t admit their own sins, though it is evident, would go away from the Light so that their own deeds might not be exposed. 

Regardless believers or not, all want to lessen the burden of guilt. Nonbelievers hide out from the light to feel less guilty about their sins. Believers come to Jesus to be forgiven and to stop sinning by renewing their hearts. 

For this is the way God loved the world: He gave His one and only Son so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.


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