06: Attitude of an Evangelist: He must become greater, I must become less (John 3:22 – 36)

Though John the Baptist testified that Jesus was God’s chosen one. However, Jesus’ teaching seemed a bit different from John’s teaching. Let’s see how John responded to this.

πŸ‘‰ Read John 3:22 - 36

Q1. After the dispute concerning (                   ), John’s disciples complained to John that everyone was flocking to Jesus for baptism. Then, John said, “No one receives anything unless from (           ).” He meant that people came to Jesus because God sent them. Also, he added, “I am not the (          ). He must become (         ) important while I become (          ) important.”

After the dispute concerning ( ceremonial washing ), John’s disciples complained to John that everyone was flocking to Jesus for baptism. Then, John said, “No one receives anything unless from ( heaven  ).” He meant that people came to Jesus because God sent them. Also, he added, “I am not the ( Christ ). He must become ( more ) important while I become ( less ) important.”

What would be the ceremonial washing? From the textual context, it seems to be related to Jesus’ baptism. 

John was known to have come from the Essenes, a Jewish sect mainly from priests’ families. They were meticulous observers of the Law of Moses, the Sabbath, and ritual purity. Such background alludes that John must have strictly requested the observance of the Law, including ritual purity, when they came to him for baptism, as in Luke 3:7 – 14. 

However, Jesus might not be as strict as John was. People liked Jesus’ teaching and came to Jesus. Jesus’ flexible stance toward ritual purity must have caused the dispute regarding ceremonial washing.

John testified that Jesus was sent from God. But Jesus’ teaching contradicts John’s reaching to some degree. That’s why they complained to John, ‘Why did you approve him who were not with our teaching? Look, everyone is flocking to him!’

At this complaint, John answered, ‘It is God who controls everything. Furthremore, I am not the Christ. He should take glory, not me.’ 

Q2. We cannot understand Jesus’ teaching with our reasons because we are from the (          ) and Jesus is from (           ). Anyone who accepts the testimony of Jesus because He is from (            ) has confirmed that God is ( ). It is so because he has believed the words of the (          ) of God who is in Jesus. 

We cannot understand Jesus’ teaching with our reason because we are from the (earth) and Jesus is from ( above ). Anyone who accepts the testimony of Jesus because He is from ( God ) has confirmed that God is ( truthful ). It is so because he has believed the words of the ( Spirit  ) of God who is in Jesus.

If you reject Jesus’ testimony, you reject the testimony of the Spirit of God. You make God a liar. 

Q3. When you believe that Jesus was sent from God, what two facts do you need to admit? (33-34, 35-36) 

1. The Spirit is poured upon Jesus abundantly.

Whatever Jesus says will be what God says. Whatever Jesus does will be what God does.

2. God gave Jesus the authority over all things, even over death.

Jesus came here with the authority of God. 

“The one who believes in the Son has eternal life” is a Clear and explicit statement of how to get eternal life.

“The one who rejects the Son will not see life.” They don’t have eternal life nor even realize there is life.

“God’s wrath remains on him” because he has rejected the Son.

We also need to admit the authority and God's Spirit upon the one whom God anointed and sent on His behalf, even though his thoughts don't agree with ours.

If you believe Jesus has come from God, you should accept His testimony even though it is hard to comprehend in your mind. He speaks God’s words and has God’s authority.


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