08: My food is to do the will of the one who sent me (John 4:27 – 42)

Another theme in Chapter 4, other than the new worship, is the hunger and thirst in the human soul. Thirst will be quenched by the living water from the Lord. What about the hunger?

πŸ‘‰ Read John 4:27 - 42

Q1. What did the woman do as soon as she knew Jesus was the Messiah? 

She left her water jar, went off into the town, and evangelized them.

Jesus didn’t ask her to call the townspeople. However, as soon as she heard that Jesus was the Messiah, she voluntarily went and shared the gospel. She used to be an unwelcoming woman, but now, she has become an evangelist.

Q2. What was Jesus’ food? (34)

To do the will of the One who sent Jesus and to complete His work

Most people get satisfaction through achieving what they want. However, Jesus got satisfaction in doing God's will. Only the person with the Spirit of God can do God's will. Thus, that person lives and gets satisfied because of the Spirit of living God.

Jesus rather said ‘to do the will’ instead of ‘to do the work.’ It was not that Jesus mechanically performed a list of tasks for God. He knew and sought the will of God for everything. He works until God's work is completed. He loved the disciples to the end. He became obedient to the point of death and, thus, said, 'It is finished,' on the cross. And He ordered us to share the gospel to the end of the earth and poured the Holy Spirit upon the church.

Q3. “The one who (        ) receives pay and gathers fruit for (        ) life, so that the one who (        ) and the one who (       ) can rejoice (           ).”  

“The one who ( reaps ) receives pay and gathers fruit for ( eternal ) life, so that the one who ( sows ) and the one who ( reaps ) can rejoice ( together ).”

Note that verses 36, 37, and 38 repeat this statement. 

The sowers might refer to the OT prophets, including John the Baptist, who came before Jesus Christ and proclaimed the message of God. The reapers are the disciples and we the Christians. Our goal is to complete God’s salvation work that has been ongoing throughout church history. 

Both groups worked for the church of God. Though the OT servants labored, they didn’t see even the first fruit of the resurrection, but we enjoy harvesting only by proclaiming the gospel. Therefore, we need to credit our joy and blessing to their labor. If we don’t do our best to evangelize, we will make their hard work meaningless.

‘rejoice together’: As we gather the new believers, the joy is not only for us. We will join the joy of God and the universal church, including the OT believers. Thus, it becomes our food.

Q4. This is what the Samaritan townspeople confessed. “No longer do we believe because of (        ) words, for we have heard for (           ), and we know that this one really is the (           ) of the world.”

“No longer do we believe because of ( your ) words, for we have heard for ( ourselves ), and we know that this one really is the ( Savior ) of the world.”

Though you came to Jesus because of someone else’s testimony, you will confirm yourself when you get to know more about Jesus.

Note that the Samaritans, who were religious outcasts, confessed that Jesus was the Savior of the world, not the Jews only.

How do you satisfy your inner thirst and hunger? Ask the Lord for the living water; your thirst will be gone. Work for His kingdom, and you will be satisfied and join the joy of God. Find your goal and vision in His kingdom, then you won’t be stranded or thirsty.

No matter how rich and successful you live, if your eyes are on the things of this world, you are living to entertain your mortal body, which is futile. However, if your eyes look toward the Lord, even your faltering steps are meaningful because they lead you to His everlasting Kingdom.


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