09: The Jews in Galilee didn’t believe without a sign (John 4:43 – 54)

Though the Samaritans believed in Jesus without any miracle, the Jews wanted to see signs to believe in Jesus. 

πŸ‘‰ Read John 4:43 - 54

Q1. The officer said to Jesus, “(             ) before my child (         ).” But Jesus said to him, “(           ); your son will live.” The man (             ) the word and set off for home.

The officer said to Jesus, “( Come down ) before my child ( dies ).” But Jesus said to him, “( Go home ); your son will live.” The man ( believed ) the word and set off for home.

The father thought Jesus should come to his son for healing just as other prophets did for healing. However, Jesus challenged him to believe Jesus had the power of ‘remote healing.’ 

Each time when we come to the Lord, He challenges us to upgrade our faith.

Q2. The officer's home was in (                ). On his way, he heard that the fever had left (                ) one o’clock. He realized Jesus’ words healed his son and believed along with his entire (                 ).

Capernaum, yesterday, household.

The officer had come to meet Jesus from Capernaum to Cana. It was more than 23 miles on today's map. Without faith, it is not possible for him to come to Jesus. Even more faith is required for him to return home only at Jesus' words.

Q3. Find verses saying they were reluctant to believe Jesus.   

Verse 44: The people in Nazaret didn’t honor Jesus as a prophet. Thus, Jesus went and ministered in the Galilean towns. 

Verse 45: They welcomed Jesus because of His miracles.

Verse 48: They didn’t believe without signs. Jesus might have seen his lack of faith in his frustration as he pleaded with Jesus to come down before his son died.

Verse 54: The author clarified that this healing was the second sign of showing who Jesus was. The author alludes that Jews didn't believe in Jesus even though they had seen two signs of the Messiah.

Jesus was disappointed that they believed only through experience. 

Don’t let your faith be bound in your experience. Lord, let me take the leap of faith courageously when you call me so.


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