11: Authenticity of Jesus' Testimony (John 5:24 – 47)

In this passage, Jesus would explain what the ‘greater deeds’ mean? As they doubted the credibility of Jesus’ testimony, Jesus pointed out the reason for their unbelief.

πŸ‘‰ Read John 5:24 - 47

Q1. According to Jesus, who has eternal life?

The one who hears Jesus’ message and believes the one who sent Him.

You should believe Jesus’ testimony about God, not someone else’s or your imagination about God.

How do we confirm His testimony is authentic? When you hear the voice, your soul will live. Thus, you know it is the voice of the Son of God.

In verse 25, using the word ‘voice’ rather than ‘message’ emphasizes a personal relationship with Jesus. Jesus calls each of us by name, not gathering anonymously by posting on a bulletin board.

John portrays the eternal life you have now, not you need to wait to get it in the future.

Q2. What does it mean that you believe God has sent the Son? (26, 27)

God has granted the Son to have life in himself

God has granted the Son authority of judgment.

Verses 21 – 23 also confirm that Jesus has the right to dispense life and the authority of judgment. In the Bible, anyone who was sent by God was given the Spirit and the authority.

Q3. “All in the tombs will hear (            ) and come out to the resurrection of (        ) or (           ) according to their deeds.” This is the will of the one who (               ).  

All in the tombs will hear ( Jesus’ voice ) and come out to the resurrection of ( life ) or ( condemnation ) according to their deeds.” This is the will of the one who ( sent Jesus ). 

Q4. What are the three that testify God sent Jesus? (33-35, 36, 37-39)

John the Baptist (33 – 35): If they had accepted John’s baptism, they would have believed Jesus.

Jesus’ works (36): The life-giving works of Jesus testify the Father has sent the Son.

God’s words (the Scripture) (37 – 39): No one has seen God; thus, the Scripture is the only source to know Him. If you don’t have God’s words in your heart and life, you would not know God nor believe in how God saves sinners through the Son.

Q5.  Why did they not receive Jesus’ testimony? (two, 41-44, 45-47)

They didn’t have a love of God, which was caused by seeking human praise. 

That's why they didn't welcome Jesus when He said has come in God's name.

They didn’t believe the words of Moses, though they placed their hope in him.

If they tried to keep the law wholeheartedly, the Law of Moses would expose their sins and thus lead them to Christ. However, they used the law to support their righteousness by only keeping a part of it. Not keeping the law = not believing the law.

Accept Jesus’ testimony about God's way to give us eternal life. His blood sealed and guaranteed the promise. It is the greatest thing that the Creator of life does for us. 


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