12: Feeding 5000: This is the Prophet who is to come (John 6:1 – 24)

As Jesus fed the crowd with five loaves of bread, they believed Jesus was the Messiah and tried to force Him to be their king.

πŸ‘‰ Read John 6:1 - 24

Q1. (1 – 9) Find verses that describe their problem. (two verses)

Verse 7: “200 silver coins wouldn’t be enough”

Verse 9: “What good are these for so many people?”

Verse 4 tells that it was nearing the Passover feast. It was right before the first harvest. Thus, most people didn’t have enough food. 

Those verses show they needed food. 

Q2. Jesus fed 5,000 people with (        ) loaves of bread and (        ) fish. Everyone was (            ). And they collected (           ) baskets of leftovers. 

Five, two, satisfied, twelve.

“as much as they wanted,” “all satisfied,” and “twelve baskets with broken pieces from five loaves left over,” All these expressions tell they were satisfied. Five loaves of bread were more than enough for Jesus to feed 5,000. 

Q3. What did they say when they saw the miraculous sign?  

“This is certainly the Prophet who is to come into the world.” 

As Moses had said, “The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you” (Deut 18:15); they were waiting for a prophet like Moses and thought Jesus was the prophet.

As Moses had delivered their ancestors from Egypt and fed them with Manna in the wilderness, they expected Jesus would deliver them from Roman oppression and solve their poverty and hunger.

Q4. “By now a strong wind was blowing and the sea was getting (          ). …. But he said to them, ‘It is I. (                 ).’ Then they (        ) to take him into the boat, and (            ) the boat came to the land where they had been heading.”

“By now a strong wind was blowing, and the sea was getting ( rough ). …. But he said to them, ‘It is I. ( Do not be afraid ).’ Then they ( wanted) to take him into the boat, and ( immediately ) the boat came to the land where they had been heading.”

When troubled in the lake, Jesus came on board with them and made them arrive at their destination immediately. 

Q5. Read verses 2, 14-15, and 24. What does the author want to say?

People sought and gathered toward Jesus because they saw Jesus’ miraculous power that could help their problems. 

Jesus could feed them without five loaves of bread. But, He used them. Our little effort would not help that much for God's kingdom. But He wants us to be His coworkers. 

Jesus is the answer to all your life’s troubles. They meant this in their saying, ‘This is the prophet who is to come into the world.'


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