13: “I Am the Bread of Life” (John 6:25 – 40)

The feeding miracle made people flock to Jesus all the more. Then, Jesus announced the gospel of eternal life by declaring ‘I AM the bread of life’ and tried to turn their interest from earthly things to the heavenly ones. 

👉 Read John 6:25 - 40

Q1. Jesus introduces them the food that remains to eternal life (25 – 27). They saw the signs that Jesus was the Messiah and crowded after Him. What did they expect from their Messiah? (26 – 27)

The food of this world. Wealth and blessings in this world.

Verse 27 explains how we could have eternal life. The earthly food disappears and, thus, can't make us live forever. We need eternal food to live eternally. Jesus gave Himself as the eternal bread for us. Therefore, anyone who eats Jesus’ flesh and blood lives forever. And this is God’s approved plan for our salvation. 

Q2. They wanted to get the eternal food. Jesus explains how to get it (28 – 34). They thought they would get the bread by doing some work. Jesus said, “The deed God requires is (                     ).” Then, they asked Jesus for a (        ) that they could believe Him and wanted to get the food from Him. This thought came from the understanding that their ancestors got Manna in the wilderness by believing [            ]. Now, Jesus corrects their misunderstanding. ‘It is not Moses, but my (          ) has given them and is giving you the bread.’ Jesus meant that the bread was a gift from (          ). Then, they understood and asked for the bread, ‘Give us this bread (                 ).”

They thought they would get the bread by doing some work. Jesus said, “The deed God requires is ( to believe the one whom he sent ).” Then, they asked Jesus for a ( sign  ) that they could believe Him and wanted to get the food from Him. This thought came from the understanding that their ancestors got Manna in the wilderness by believing [ Moses ]. Now, Jesus corrects their misunderstanding. ‘It is not Moses, but my ( Father ) has given them and is giving you the bread.’ Jesus meant that the bread is a gift from (  God ). Then, they understood and asked for the bread, ‘Give us this bread ( all the time  ).”

The bread is a gift from God, not something you could get by your effort.

You only need to believe Jesus, whom God has sent to give life to the world.

"all the time." They still don't understand 'the food that remains eternally.' They thought they needed this food again and again to live forever.

Q3. (35 – 38) Now, Jesus announced what the bread was. “(           ) the bread of life.” To eat the bread is to (          ) to Jesus and (          ) in Him. However, they saw Jesus and didn’t believe Him. Their unbelief was not because Jesus (          ) them away but because the (            ) has not given them to Jesus. Don’t forget Jesus didn’t do his own will but the will of (               ).   

Now, Jesus announced what the bread was. “( I AM  ) the bread of life.” To eat the bread is to (  come  ) to Jesus and ( believe  ) in Him. However, they saw Jesus and didn’t believe Him. Their unbelief was not because Jesus ( sends  ) them away but because the (  Father  ) has not given them to Jesus. Don’t forget Jesus didn’t do his own will but the will of ( the one who sent Jesus  ).

Q4. (39 – 40) This is the will of my (            ) for everyone who looks on the (          ) and believes in Him to have (                ), and (      ) will raise him up at the last day.

This is the will of my (  Father  ) for everyone who looks on the ( Son  ) and believes in Him to have ( eternal life  ), and ( ) will raise him up at the last day.

Both 39 and 40 explain the will of God but in different focuses. Jesus’ task according to God’s will is in verse 39. Verse 40 describes God’s plan for our salvation. Both verses tell how we overcome the death: through resurrection by Jesus. “I will raise him up.”

In this passage, Jesus clearly explains He is the bread of life given to us. As we come to Him and believe in Him, He will raise us at the last day.


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