14: The Bread that I will give is my flesh (John 6:41 – 58)

The message of the Bread of Life was difficult for them to understand. As Jesus said, “I am the bread of life that came down from heaven,” they raised two objections: “How did he come from heaven” and “How can he give us his flesh to eat?” 

πŸ‘‰ Read John 6:41 - 58

Q1. (41 – 44) What do you think caused them not to believe Jesus? (two, 41-42, 43-44)

They knew Jesus’ family background very well.

The Father hasn’t drawn them to Jesus.

Too much worldly knowledge of Jesus would hinder your faith. Without a personal encounter with Jesus, your Biblical knowledge might hinder faith. 

‘Jesus doesn’t send them away.’ (37) Their unbelief was not because Jesus made His message difficult to understand. Only the Father didn’t send them to Jesus.

“I will raise him up at the last day.” This repeats three times: verses 39, 40, 44. This could be another factor that makes it hard to believe. Their salvation will be completed at the last day, not today. Thus, anyone who wants to see salvation now would not believe Jesus.

Q2. (45 – 46) This passage explains how ‘the Father sends one to Jesus.’ Jesus’ explanation starts from the axiom “(                                             ).” Not coming to Jesus was due to not (              ) from the Father. They needed to go to Jesus to know God because (            ) had never seen the Father except the one from God. 

Jesus’ explanation starts from the axiom, “( They will all be taught by God ).” Not coming to Jesus was due to not ( learning ) from the Father. They needed to go to Jesus to know God because ( no one  ) had ever seen the Father except the one from God.

Jesus seemed to use ‘Father’ and ‘God’ interchangeably in verse 46. But He meant differently. ‘Father’ reflects a personal and intimate relationship with God. When you look at God from far away and don’t have a relationship with Him, you call Him God, a divine being. When you come closer and have known Him, you will realize He is your Father.

It was Jesus’ answer to those who were doubting Jesus’ coming from God. Because no one has ever seen the Father and known God, so no one can verify if one has come from God. The implicit evidence of Jesus’ coming from God is that He has testified about the Father as clearly and confidently as no one could do without seeing the Father. 

God wanted to reveal through Jesus. If they had listened to God and obeyed His words, they would have come to Jesus.

Q3. (47 – 51) Jesus elaborates more about the bread of life. “I tell you (           ).” Jesus used this expression several times in this chapter. “The one who (         ) has eternal life.” For eternal life, they might need no ordinary bread. Jesus said, “(                   )” When you eat it, you won’t die because it is the (         ) bread. The bread is the (         ) of Jesus.   

“I tell you ( solem truth ).” Jesus used this expression several times in this chapter. “The one who ( believes ) has eternal life.” For eternal life, they might need no ordinary bread. Jesus said, “( I am the bread of life. )” When you eat it, you won’t die because it is the ( living ) bread. The bread is the ( flesh ) of Jesus.

Because it is a living bread, it will provide life inside us as we take it in.

There are three facts regarding the bread. 

  • This bread is not like Manna. You won’t die (49-50). 
  • It came down from heaven, from God. (31, 33, 38, 41, 42, 50) 
  • Jesus is the bread of life. It is the bread alive. The bread is His flesh. This implies His death.

Q4. (52 - 57) They objected, “How could this man give us his flesh to eat?’ Jesus explained to them. “I tell you the solemn truth. You have no life unless you eat the flesh of (               ) and drink his (          ). Verse 54 explains how that person will get life. Verses 55 – 57 explain the meaning of eating Jesus’ flesh. It is to reside in Him. “The one who eats my (         ) and drinks my (          ) resides in me, and I in him. How does residing of Jesus in us give us eternal life? Just like Jesus lives because of the (             ) who is with Jesus, so the one who (             ) Jesus will live because of (           ) who resides in him. 

“I tell you the solemn truth. You have no life unless you eat the flesh of ( the Son of Man ) and drink his ( blood ). Verse 54 explains how that person will get life. Verses 55 – 57 explain meaning of eating Jesus’ flesh. It is to reside in Him. “The one who eats my ( flesh ) and drinks my ( blood ) resides in me, and I in him. How does residing of Jesus in us give us eternal life? Just like Jesus lives because of the ( Father ) who is with Jesus, so the one who ( consumes ) Jesus will live because of ( Jesus ) who resides in him. 

Verse 58 is the conclusive statement of the gospel of ‘the Bread of Life.’ 

"The bread that came down from heaven." It was the Father's will that the Son would give His flesh as the bread of life for the world.

‘Consume’ Jesus. The Greek word for 'eat' or 'consume' in verses 54, 56, and 57 is Ο„ρώγω, which means 'to consume a solid food' or 'to gnaw.' It is not 'just to swallow.' Meditate on Jesus and His sacrifice again and again, and then you will have the confidence to approach the Living God, the fountain of Life. Your heart will be rejuvenated and full of the Spirit of God.

What a Friend we have in Jesus,   

All our sins and griefs to bear!

What a privilege to carry   

Everything to God in prayer!

O what peace we often forfeit,   

O what needless pain we bear,

All because we do not carry   

Everything to God in prayer!


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