15: Lord, to whom would we go? You have the words of eternal life (John 6:59 – 71)

After Jesus’ message of the Bread of Life, many left Jesus. However, the twelve kept following. 

πŸ‘‰ Read John 6:59 - 71

Q1. Many of his disciples complained that His message was too difficult. However, He would yet reveal things that would be even harder for them to accept than what they had heard so far. Why was it difficult for them to understand? (63-65)

They tried to understand spiritual things through human (carnal) minds.

They didn’t believe in Jesus

The Father hasn’t allowed them to come to Jesus.

Jesus’ message is spirit and life. That’s why human nature (‘flesh’ in Greek) which was destined to death cannot comprehend it. 

You should believe Jesus and ask the Holy Spirit. Then, you can understand the message because the Spirit can discern spiritual matters.

That’s why unless the Father gives you the Spirit, you cannot understand it.

Q2. After this (          ) of his disciples quit following him. But the twelve remained. Peter said, “Lord, to whom would we go? You have (                 ). We have come to believe and to know that you are (                    ).” 

After this (  many ) of his disciples quit following him. But the twelve remained. Peter said, “Lord, to whom would we go? You have ( the words of eternal life ). We have come to believe and to know that you are ( the Holy One of God  ).”

If your interest is in the bread of this world, you will leave Jesus as long as you get what you want or when your hope for the bread fails. 

Peter said, “We all, the twelve, have come to believe.” But Jesus said, ‘Not all of you have believed.’ 

The author repeatedly says Jesus foreknew the betrayal of Judas (64, 70-71). Even though Jesus had chosen him, and he had followed Jesus for so long, he didn’t accept Jesus’ words and later betrayed Jesus. He wasn't sent by God to Jesus but used by the devil.

Jesus' message was difficult for everyone including the twelve. However, their responses were in three ways. Many left. Peter resolved to stay with Jesus because there wasn't any other way to eternal life. But Judas later betrayed Jesus for his interest was in money and power. What about you? Though Jesus' message is difficult, stay with Him if you hope for the eternal life. 

These are review questions of chapter 6

1. What is the first thing God requires from us before we do any other work?  

To believe in the one whom God sent (29)

2. What is the will of God who sent Jesus? 

To give eternal life to anyone who believes in Jesus. (39 – 40)

3. Jesus explains several ways how one could get eternal life. First, He talks about the life of resurrection. “I will raise him up at the last day” (verse         ). Second, He gives us His flesh as the bread that lives forever, and thus, we will live forever (verse         ). Third, We enjoy the life even now through His (Spirit’s) presence in our hearts (verse       ). And the life is the life of Jesus and, thus, will make us cross the river of death.

29, 39-40, 56-57

According to John, we can enjoy the life that flows from Jesus who is in us. John emphasizes the salvation of the present time. When Jesus was on the earth, He lived with the Father in Him and was raised from the dead by the Father. In the same logic, anyone who lives with Jesus will be raised by Jesus who is in him or her. 

If you take and eat the Bread of Life, Jesus, your soul lives now and forever. Keep meditating Jesus.


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