19: One without sin be the first to throw (John 8:1 – 11)

This passage is known not in the original version of the Gospel of John, but to have been inserted later. However, the church accepts it as a part of John’s gospel because we can hear the Lord’s voice which is consistent with other parts of the Bible.

πŸ‘‰ Read John 8:1 - 11

Q1. What was their purpose when they brought the woman? 

They wanted to trap Jesus with what He would say. 

If He says ‘execute her’ according to the Mosaic Law, it would be contrary to His usual teachings of grace and forgiveness. If He says, ‘pardon her,’ it would be deteriorating the Law. The problem was how to reconcile justice and grace.


Q2. Jesus wrote on the ground and said, “Whoever among you is (             ) may be the (          ) to throw a stone.” 

Guiltless, first

Writing on the ground: It is not known what Jesus had written on the ground. However, writing something with His finger could symbolize something. As God had given the law by writing with His finger, Jesus gave the new law of the gospel by writing with His finger. The Law said, ‘stone to death.’ Jesus changed it this way, ‘Let the one without guilt be the first.’ 

And Jesus was the only one without sin there and said, ‘I do not condemn you.’ 

Q3. At Jesus’ saying, everyone left. There was (            ) who was guiltless. Only Jesus was the one without sin there. He said, “I do not (            ) your either. Go, and from now on do not sin (             ).”  

No one, condemn, any more.

Jesus doesn’t condemn us, and even furthermore, bore our sins before God. Because Jesus became the Son of Man and bore the cross for our sins, the authority of forgiveness, of everything else as well, was given to Jesus. 

This passage vividly portrays the difference between the Law and the Gospel. The Law reveals our sins, and the Gospel provides the solution. From now on, the distinction of Jesus' teaching becomes clearer in the following chapters of John.

Jesus has paid the penalty of our sins, and said, “I do not condemn you.” Thus, His verdict is the final one.

Reconciliation of justice and grace is only possible on the cross. Thus, without your sacrifice is not possible to reconcile justice and grace in your life. Sacrifice is the medium of the Gospel


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