24: I am the good shepherd (John 10:1 – 21)

Jesus illustrates His relationship with us by analogy between the shepherd and the sheep. Note that the shepherd knows his sheep, and the sheep knows her shepherd. Do you know your shepherd?

πŸ‘‰ Read John 10:1 - 21

Q1. In a community sheepfold, more than one flock might spend the night, and the doorkeeper would keep watch to protect the sheep. In the morning, the doorkeeper would open the door for the shepherds. Each shepherd would collect his flock by calling out to the sheep. How would the sheep recognize the shepherd?

Sheep knows his voice.

The sheep don’t know her shepherd by his outlook, name, or anything else but his voice. Do you know His voice? If not, accept Him as your Lord and Savior.

You will know Jesus’ love and grace when you hear the gospel. You will know his personality and character and read his heart. You will be able to distinguish between strange teachings and authentic ones. You will understand the Bible and His will. This is how you recognize His voice.

“The shepherd comes through the door.” The Messiah has come through the prophecy of the prophets and witnessed by the law.

Q2. “All who came before me were (           ). I am the (         ) for the sheep. If anyone enters through me, he will be (        ). The thieves came only to steal and (      ). But I have come so that they may have (         ) abundantly.”

“All who came before me were ( thieves ). I am the ( door ) for the sheep. If anyone enters through me, he will be ( saved ). The thieves came only to steal and ( kill ). But I have come so that they may have ( life ) abundantly.”

Only through Jesus can your soul get food and life.

The promise of Abraham was supposed to come through Jesus Christ. No salvation had been available until the day of Christ, not even through the law.

Q3. Why is Jesus a good shepherd?  

He lays down His life for the sheep.

Q4. Why would Jesus lay down his life? (two. 12, 16-17)

To protect the sheep from the wolf.

To gather other sheep that do not come from the sheepfold.

The sheep in the sheepfold might refer to Jewish believers, while the other sheep might refer to Gentile believers. 

‘I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself.' (John 12:32) The crucifixion is the voice of the Shepherd calling His sheep, and ‘they will listen to my voice’ (16). 

“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. I am the good shepherd. I know my own, and my own know me." 

I am thankful that He is my Shepherd!


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