26: "I am the resurrection and the life." Do you believe this? (John 11:1 – 37)

Though He heard that Lazarus was sick, He said, ‘This sickness will lead to God’s glory, so that the Son of God may be glorified throught it,’ and stayed for two more days. 

πŸ‘‰ Read John 11:1 - 37

Q1. Though Jesus loved them, why do you think He has delayed to come?

To wait until he dies. Or to make sure of his death.

“Now it was Mary who anointed” (2) “the one you love” (3) “Now Jesus loved ….” (5) All these expressions show their special relationship. Therefore, they expected Jesus would come right away when He heard it. But, he delayed coming for an unknown reason. They must be disappointed as much as they were in a close relationship.

(9 – 10) In the daytime, they have a light and dare not do evil. When they have a light inside their heart, they don’t want to do evil.

Q2. Find two verses showing reasons for Jesus’ delay.

Verses 4 and 14

When God intervenes in our lives, there are two purposes: His glory and our faith. 

When God’s answering our prayer is delayed, He might be preparing a greater answer for us. Trust and wait patiently. You will see His glory, and your faith will grow.

Q3. The passage shows Martha’s crippled faith. She complained to Jesus (verse        ) but said she had infinite hope in Him (verse        ). Jesus said her brother would come back to life, but she took it something in the future (verses           ). Jesus said, “I am the (           ) and the (           ).” However, Martha’s confession is out of focus and too general (verse       ). And then she left the conversation. (28)  

21, 22, 23 – 24, resurrection, life, 27

“I am the resurrection.” Jesus could raise someone from the dead, not only preventing him from dying. Even after your hope and prayer have failed, Jesus is able to restore the failure.

Martha’s crippled faith is found in us as well. Though we say we believe in the almighty God, we often get discouraged and complain about certain situations. We often take God’s promise, not of the present situation but of the future. Thus, we make it irrelevant to our daily life. When our faith is challenged, we often try to sidestep the challenge. She should have said, ‘Help my unbelief,’ instead of saying a too-broad confession that would hide her unbelief. 

Q4. The scene was full of sorrow, hopelessness, and remorse. Mary and Martha must have been very disappointed in Jesus. Both said, “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died” (verses       ). Mary had not come out to meet Jesus at first (verse          ). Find other verses with such expressions.

21, 32, 20, 

Verses 18-19: John describes that so many people came to console them.

Verse 31: As Mary went out to meet Jesus, they thought she would mourn. This verse seems redundant for the storyline but conveys their hopelessness.

Verse 33: they wept

Verse 35-36: Jesus wept. 

Verse 37: ‘What if Jesus had done something before he died!’

Though Jesus had said, 'This sickness is for the glory of God and His Son' (4), it was not yet (37). Disappointedness will turn to greater trust after Lazarus's resurrection. If you are in such a situation, trust and wait. 

Their sending for Jesus shows their faith in Jesus. However, their faith should grow to believe in the Lord of resurrection. 

"I am the resurrection and the life.... Do you believe this?"

Our faith also should keep growing until we see His face. Jesus challenges our faith to grow while we are amid disappointment and remorse. Don’t sidestep the challenge, but ask for help. “Lord, help my unbelief.”


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