28: Anointing: "you will not always have me" (John 12:1 – 19)

As the time of the crucifixion approaches, the distinction becomes clearer between those who welcome Jesus and those who reject. 

πŸ‘‰ Read John 12:1 - 19

Q1. Mary anointed the (        ) of Jesus and wiped his feet dry with her (       ). Judas said it could instead be used for the (         ). However, he was a (        ) and used to steal from the money box. 

Mary anointed the ( feet ) of Jesus and wiped his feet dry with her ( hair ). Judas said it could instead be used for the ( poor ). However, he was a ( thief ) and used to steal from the money box.

Mary’s act shows her absolute dedication to Jesus, especially in Jewish culture at that time. 300 silver coins were worth the labor’s wage of 300 days. 

Verses 4 and 6 elaborate on who Judas was. Note that the author called him ‘a thief.’ Such a categorization implies his habitual stealing of money. In John’s theology, he steals because he is a thief, just like one hates his brother because he belongs to the devil. Not the opposite. 

Q2. Jesus said, “Leave her alone. She has kept it for the day of my (         ). For you will always have the (       ) with you, but you will not always have (     )!”

Jesus said, “Leave her alone. She has kept it for the day of my ( burial  ). For you will always have the ( poor ) with you, but you will not always have ( me )!”

‘She has kept it for my burial.’ Mary prepared the perfumed oil for this anointing, knowing about Jesus’ sacrifice. This verse has various translations of different meanings.

‘but you will not always have me!’ In our journey of faith, there is a time of pouring grace and a time of desert endurance. Therefore, you’d better row now when the tide is high.

Anyone who focuses on a thing of relative value (money) would miss the thing of absolute importance (life), for the time for the absolute one is not always available. 

Q3. Lazarus’ resurrection would have had more Judeans come out and meet Jesus. However, the Bible passage doesn’t say they believed in Jesus. Find verses that mention Lazarus’ resurrection.   

Verses 1, 2, 9, 17. 

Note that the author repeatedly addresses Lazarus in this passage. Lazarus’ resurrection would be the last and ultimate sign of Jesus’ being Messiah before His crucifixion.

Q4. The large crowd shouted, “(         )! Blessed is the one who comes in the name of (        )! Blessed is the (               )!” However, His disciples didn’t understand the meaning at that time.

The large crowd shouted, “( Hosanna )! Blessed is the one who comes in the name of ( Lord )! Blessed is the ( king of Israel )!” However, His disciples didn’t understand the meaning at that time.

‘Hosanna’ Save, please.

‘The one who comes in the name of the Lord’ implies the one sent by Yahweh. This phrase is from Psalm 118:25-26. They expected Jesus to be the Messiah who would deliver Israel from Rome.

Riding on a donkey’s colt: This King would bring victory not through violence but through humble obedience. Such a character didn't appeal to those who sought human reputation (19).

Isn’t this a time of blessing and revival? Devote your life to Jesus Christ and His kingdom! Otherwise, you will someday find yourself standing against Him.

"You will not always have me!"


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