29: The time has come for the Son of Man to be glorified (John 12:20 – 36)

Jesus realized it was the time of the cross when some Greeks came to meet Jesus. The spiritual blindness of the Jews made Jesus crucified, thus opening the door of salvation for all nations.

πŸ‘‰ Read John 12:20 - 36

Q1. Who came to see Jesus? 

Some Greeks.

The proselytes were Gentiles who revered the Lord and attended Jewish synagogue meetings. Some of them used to travel to Jerusalem for the Passover feast. 

Coming of the Greeks was a sign to tell Jesus that this Passover was the time of crucifixion. That's why Jesus said, 'the time has come...' (23)

Q2. “Unless a kernel of (         ) falls into the ground and (       ), it remains by itself (      ). But if it dies, it produces (        ) grain.” 

“Unless a kernel of ( wheat  ) falls into the ground and ( dies ), it remains by itself ( alone ). But if it dies, it produces ( much ) grain.” 

Jesus’ death is to bear the fruit of little Jesus. 

The secret of bearing fruit is not training or equipping with various skills but dying. It is a great promise of a successful ministry. Die where God has sent you!

Jesus called the cross His glorification. Sacrificing and dying as the Lord’s ambassador will be our glory!

Q3. If you love your life, why can’t you save it? (25-26)  

Because you won’t follow Jesus, the only hope of life.

If you love your life, you can’t serve Jesus or follow Him. Thus, you won’t be able to reach where Jesus will go. If you serve Him, the Father will honor you, and thus, you will be given eternal life.

Q4. What are the three meanings or purposes of the cross? (28, 31, 32)

The cross revealed the glory of God’s name. He was faithful in accomplishing the covenant sworn by His name. Also, God revealed His holiness by not overlooking human sins and making Jesus pay for them. 

The cross is the judgment of this world. Their ignorance couldn’t recognize the Son of God. Their sinful violence crucified the Innocent. “He came to what was his own, but his own people did not receive him” (1:11)

The cross was to draw all people to Jesus. Now salvation through faith is available to all nations. God promised blessings through Abraham and his descendants. Despite human unfaithfulness, God has accomplished the promise through the Descendant of Abraham, Jesus Christ. 

“I have glorified it, and I will glorify it again.” God has been faithful in guiding and protecting the nation of Israel. Now, through the cross, He will expand His wings of protection over all nations. 

“This voice is for your (benefit).” Jesus is proclaiming that a new era in God’s salvation has come.

Q5. Verses 33-34 allude that they understood that ‘to be lifted up’ meant ‘to be crucified.’ The Judeans could not accept the death of the Messiah, for OT passages said that Christ would remain forever. The paradox of His dying and living forever was difficult for them to comprehend. What is Jesus’ advice for them? (35 – 36)

Walk (proceed in faith) while you have the light.

Before the crucifixion, they could come and see Jesus whenever they wanted. However, after the resurrection, they could only meet Jesus when He visited them. After the ascension, the Lord's physical presence was replaced by the spiritual presence of the Spirit. Note how spiritual awareness has changed from the physical to the spiritual sphere. 

We live in an era of the Lord's spiritual presence. We should not rely on our senses but trust in the promise. Whenever the Spirit visits our hearts, we’d better obey and keep following it until the next visitation.

The Judeans should believe as much as they knew rather than reject Him. When Jesus was resurrected, and the Spirit came down, God’s plans for salvation became clear. 

“The time has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. I tell you the solemn truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains by itself alone. But if it dies, it produces much grain.”


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