30: He has blinded their eyes and hardened their heart. (John 12:37 – 50)

This passage concludes Jesus’ public ministry and tells why they didn’t believe in Jesus.

πŸ‘‰ Read John 12:37 - 50

Q1. According to Isaiah, why did they not believe Jesus despite seeing many miraculous signs?

The Lord has blinded their eyes and hardened their hearts.

You would say, ‘Then, the Lord must be responsible for their destruction!’ However, carefully reading the passage reveals that they already had fallen away in disobedience. ‘So that they would … turn to me, and I would heal them.’ In the days of Isaiah, the Israelites persisted in their rebellion with superficial repentance. Therefore, the Lord decided to leave them in the unrepentant hearts so they would go through the furnace of purification for thorough repentance.

Rebellion against the Sovereign God is innate to human nature. Hardening such a heart means boosting their arrogant pride, encouraging them to continue in their rebellion. I hope nothing in me, money or ability, should be used to strengthen my pride and encourage me to persist in rebellion.

Q2. What would ‘Christ’s glory’ in verse 41 mean? Isaiah foresaw the suffering of the Lord’s (          ) followed by his success(Isaiah 52:13 – 53:12). Jesus Himself calls the (        ) His glory (23). The suffering of the chosen one in the Book of Isaiah foreshadowed the crucifixion of the (         ).  (hint: cross, Messiah, servant)

Isaiah foresaw the suffering of the Lord’s ( servant ) followed by his success(Isaiah 52:13 – 53:12). Jesus Himself calls the ( cross ) His glory (23). The suffering of the chosen one in the Book of Isaiah foreshadowed the crucifixion of the ( Messiah ).

Q3. Why did some rulers not confess Jesus Christ despite believing in Him?   

They loved praise from men more than one from God. 

They were rulers and enjoyed privilege and people’s praise. The prestige of being rulers hindered their spiritual growth. 

Literal translation for 'praise' is 'glory' (Ξ΄α½ΉΞΎΞ± : doxa). The glory of God for now is the suffering of the cross. The glory of man is vain praise of mortal beings.  

Q4. (44 – 50) Jesus’ final public words clarify the consequences of their response to His message. “The one who believes in (      ) believes the one who (       ) me. Anyone who (        ) my words and does not (       ) them, the (         ) I have spoken will judge him at the last day. Because I have spoken from the Father’s commandment of (            ), anyone who doesn’t obey won’t have the life.”

“The one who believes in ( me ) believes the one who ( sent ) me. Anyone who ( hears ) my words and does not ( obey ) them, the ( words ) I have spoken will judge him at the last day. Because I have spoken from the Father’s commandment of ( eternal life ), anyone who doesn’t obey won’t have the life.”

Do not harden your heart, but repent. Obey Jesus’ words of eternal life.


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