33: I am the way and the truth and the life (John 14:1 – 14)

Often we cry to the Lord amid chaotic moments of life, ‘Is this the right direction to success? Where are you leading to?’ just as the Philips asked, ‘Lord, show us the heaven. Then, we will keep following you.’ Then, Jesus will say to us, ‘Trust and follow me. I am the way.’

πŸ‘‰ Read John 14:1 - 14

Q1. “Do not let your hearts be (          ). You believe in God; believe also in (      ). There are many (         ) in my Father’s house. … Where I am (      ) may be too.”

Distressed, me, dwelling places (rooms), you

We don’t need to be worried about life in this world or about persecution. Whatever kind of death we would encounter, the Lord will lead us to our eternal dwelling places. What a comfort in this pilgrim journey!

In the ancient Jewish world, the man should prepare a room in his father’s house before the marriage. When the preparation is done and the father’s decided time comes, he brings his bride and lives with her in his father’s house. When Jesus returns, He will take us to the Father’s house, as his bride.

“You know the way where I am going.” Jesus was going to the Father through the way of the obedience of the cross. Jesus clarified this to the disciples. However, Philips wants to see the Father before he resolves to follow Jesus to the cross.

Q2. “I am the (        )” means that no one comes to the (          ) except through Jesus. “I am the (       )” means that knowing Jesus is knowing the (          ). “I am the (       )” means we experience the life of the (        ) through Jesus because the Father is in him. 

“I am the ( way )” means that no one comes to the ( Father ) except through Jesus. “I am the ( truth )” means that knowing Jesus is knowing the ( Father ). “I am the ( life )” means we experience the life of the ( Father ) through Jesus because the Father is in him.

Q3. What does Philip need to believe about Jesus? (10 – 11)  

“I am in the Father, and the Father is in me”

Jesus’ message and deeds confirm that the Father is in the Son. When we hear Jesus’ message, we will conclude that God who had sent Moses also has sent Jesus. Jesus’ healings tell that the Creator of life resides in Jesus and works through him.

What does it mean? Jesus is the ultimate theme and the key of the Bible. One should interpret the Bible through Jesus Christ. No interpretation should hide Christ and the gospel of the cross. 

Q4. What else do we need to believe? (12 – 14)

Believers will perform the miraculous deeds that Jesus did and even greater ones.

Answering to the prayers in Jesus’ name

This is the promise of Jesus Christ. 

Just as Jesus is in the Father and the Father in the Son, Jesus lives in us. Thus, if we yield to Jesus to work in our lives, anything we do in Jesus’ name will be the work of Jesus. He promised, ‘If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it.’ That's why we can do what He has done.

"the Father is greater than I am" (28) Because the Spirit that the Father will send resides in them, they can do greater things.

Jesus proclaimed and promised, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” Believe that Jesus is going to accomplish His great works in your life. We haven’t trodden that path that belongs to the Kingdom of God. Thus, we need perfect trust and submission.


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