36: The Holy Spirit will prove the world wrong concerning … (John 15:18 – 6:16)

They will be left in a world hostile to Jesus and ignorant of the truth. The Church is to testify about Jesus in the world after Jesus' departure. How could they complete the mission? 

πŸ‘‰ Read John 15:18 – 6:16

Q1. If the world hates the Christians, what would be the reasons? (18 - 19, 21)

The world hates the Christians for they belong to Jesus, not to the world.

The world doesn’t know the Father who sent Jesus.

Some believe in God, but not Jesus. They believe in Jesus’ historical existence but not as the Savior of the world. To say, they don't accept the salvation through forgiveness.

Q2. What acts would ‘the miraculous deeds that no one else did’ (verse 24) refer to? 

To heal and give life. (more likely the cross and resurrection) 

Lazarus’ resurrection alludes to Jesus being sent by the Creator of Life. Furthermore, Jesus’ cross and resurrection was the deed that only Jesus did. Even though they saw Jesus’ healing and giving life, they took away Jesus’ life. Anyone who harbors hatred makes oneself an enemy of God, the Creator of Life.

The Spirit will testify about Jesus that God has sent Jesus. The disciples also will testify so through their witnesses in the NT Bible. (26 – 27) Therefore, the church should testify that God sent Jesus. And such a ministry will bring hostility from the world.

Q3. Jesus said, “A time is coming when one who (       ) you will think he is offering service to (      ). They will do these things because they have not known the (         ) or me.” If you don’t know this, you will (       ) away.  

Jesus said, “A time is coming when one who ( kills ) you will think he is offering service to ( God ). They will do these things because they have not known the ( Father ) or me.” If you don’t know this, you will ( fall ) away. 

Many believe in God but not in Jesus. We should not ‘fall away’ from our faith in Jesus and give up evangelizing because of their persecution. They don’t understand the Father’s love and the gospel of forgiveness. When we proclaim the gospel of the cross, the Holy Spirit will convict them of their sins and need of the Savior. Acception or rejection is upon each one’s decision. 

Q4. Jesus’ disciples also didn’t comprehend the meaning of 'the Father sent Jesus.' Thus, they were filled with (          ) because of Jesus’ words. After Jesus returns to the Sender, the Holy Spirit will come and reprove the world for the rejection of (           ). He will prove the world wrong concerning (      ), (            ), and (          ). Our ministry counts on the convicting ministry of the (          ).

Jesus’ disciples also didn’t comprehend the meaning of 'the Father sent Jesus.' Thus, they were filled with ( sadness ) because of Jesus’ words. After Jesus returns to the Sender, the Holy Spirit will come and reprove the world for the rejection of ( Jesus ). He will prove the world wrong concerning ( sin  ), ( righteousness ), and ( judgment ). Our ministry counts on the convicting ministry of the ( Holy Spirit ).

Jesus didn’t come by His own authority and initiative. Just as the Father sent Jesus, He would send the Holy Spirit. It was the Father’s plan that Jesus should return and the Holy Spirit come and continue the remaining (?) task of Jesus. Jesus’ departure should be a reason for the disciples to wait for the next stage in the excitement of anticipating new experiences.

How does the Holy Spirit prove the world wrong? As we love each other, they will know that we are His disciples (13:35). The world will know that the Father sent Jesus and loved the church through the work of the Holy Spirit (17:23). 

Concerning sin”: The Church and Christians reflect Jesus through the sanctification work of the Holy Spirit. They will be convicted by the righteous life of the sanctified by the Holy Spirit. Otherwise, they would think they are sinless.  

Concerning righteousness”: The world has been in a broken relationship with its Creator. The world had enjoyed the light of life temporarily when Jesus was on earth. But now, the world will suffer the brokenness even more in Jesus' absence. The Holy Spirit’s abidence in us will sharply contrast with Jesus' physical absence among them. Our reconciliation with the Father contrasts with their brokenness. 

Concerning judgment”: “The stone rejected by the builders has become the cornerstone.” As they condemn the Righteous Son of the Ultimate Judge, in unrighteous ways, they have been already condemned. Though the world persecuted the church, she has survived and even thrived. “We have this treasure in clay jars, so that the extraordinary power belongs to God and does not come from us. … we are persecuted, but not abandoned; we are knocked down, but not destroyed, always carrying around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus (the power of Holy Spirit) may be also visible in our body.” (2 Cor 4:7 – 10) The work of the Holy Spirit in Christians clearly shows that not believing in Jesus has been already condemned (3:18) and that the verdict against Jesus was totally wrong. 

Visible works of the invisible Spirit reveal their unblief. Only the one who receives the Spirit can perceive Him. Thus, those who reject Jesus will be convicted all the more of their rebellious hearts. 

Q5. Verses 12 – 16 say that Jesus’ ministry will continue, and even thrive, through the Holy Spirit. “But when the Spirit of (       ) comes, he will guide you into (     ) truth. He will glorify (     ), because He will receive from (     ) what is mine and will tell it to (       ).”

“But when the Spirit of ( truth ) comes, he will guide you into ( all ) truth. He will glorify ( me ), because He will receive from ( me ) what is mine and will tell it to ( you ).”

More revelation will come through the Holy Spirit. We must wait for the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit and expect to grow more in the knowledge of Christ.

But everything that comes from the Holy Spirit is from Jesus. The passage emphasizes the Holy Spirit’s ministry is essentially Jesus’ ministry. “He will receive from me what is mine” (14, 15)

By saying the same message that Jesus had spoken, the Holy Spirit proves that Jesus was the One sent by God. If two persons speak the same thing while not together, they must have come from the same origin. In this way, it was proven that both the Son and the Spirit have come from the Father. Whether Jesus had come from God or not was the reason for Jewish objection. Thus, the Holy Spirit is the One who completes the proclamation of the gospel.

The church is to proclaim that the Father has sent Jesus, in the world. Some will hate you for you belong to Jesus. Some will reject you because they don’t understand the gospel of forgiveness. Don’t be discouraged, by the power of the Holy Spirit, the truth will be fully revealed and proven to their eyes.


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