37: Take courage, I have conquered the world (John 16:17 – 33)

As Jesus’ departure approached, Jesus explained to the worrying disciples what God would do now: to send the Holy Spirit to continue Jesus’ ministry. Though they could not understand fully, Jesus encouraged them to trust in Jesus who has conquered the world. 

πŸ‘‰ Read John 16:17 - 33

Q1. What part of Jesus’ words was difficult for them to understand?

‘In a little while you will not see me; again after a little while, you will see me.’ 

They could not understand this saying would mean Jesus' death and resurrection. Or coming of the Holy Spirit. 

Q2. The joy of that time will be like the joy of (          ). The joy will be so great that they won’t remember the present (        ). “You have sorrow now, but (   ) will see you again, and your hearts will rejoice, and no one will (      ) your joy away from you.” 

The joy of that time will be like the joy of ( childbirth ). The joy will be so great that they won’t remember the present ( sorrow ). “You have sorrow now, but ( I ) will see you again, and your hearts will rejoice, and no one will ( take ) your joy away from you.”

They had difficulty understanding Jesus’ words. However, instead of explaining it, Jesus gave them words of encouragement. An analogy: A little boy asked his father, ‘What time do you come home?’ The father wasn't sure of the exact hour. Thus, he promised to buy ice cream. Because of the hope of ice cream, the boy could wait for his father. 

“No one will take your joy from you.” Jesus won’t leave again at that time.

Q3. What are the three reasons for the complete joy at that time? (24 – 27)  

Answering of prayer in Jesus’ name

More and clear knowledge about the Father

The Father’s love

“Ask and you will receive it.” This is a sure promise. 

“I will no longer speak to you in obscure figures.” When the Holy Spirit comes and a proper time comes, He will enlighten our minds to understand Jesus' words that had been given in obscure ways. “He will guide you into all truth.” (13)

In this passage, the essence of confession is that Jesus has come from God (27, 30). That confession entails these. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. Through Him, we can know and come to God. God’s way of salvation: through forgiveness of sins.

The reason for their joy is not escape from the hostile world, but an intimate relationship with the Father.

Q4. “Do you now (         )? Soon, you will be (       ). But I am not alone, because (             ) is with me. You may have (       ) in me. In the (         ) you have trouble and suffering, but take (         ) – I have (              ) the world.”

“Do you now ( believe  )? Soon, you will be ( scattered  ). But I am not alone, because ( the Father ) is with me. You may have ( peace ) in me. In the ( world ) you have trouble and suffering, but take ( courage ) – I have ( conquered ) the world.”

Though they acknowledged Jesus was the Messiah, they fled when Jesus was arrested. Our confidence in our own faith is often followed by failures. However, our salvation is secure in Jesus because the God who sent Jesus is faithful. 

“I have conquered the world” It is the reason for our peace. First, Jesus has accomplished the task given by God against threats and temptations of this world. Second, Jesus has defeated the power of death. He has proven the gospel of grace through resurrection. We can approach God in Jesus.

Q5. Though the disciples wanted to know more, Jesus only disclosed partly. His word was not to answer their quests but to prevent them from (        ) away (1) and to give them (         ) in Jesus (33). Surely, Jesus doesn’t disclose everything because they can not (       ) it (verses 4, 12, 25). However, Jesus promised them they would know everything clearly at that time (verses   ,    ). For now, they were to trust in Jesus and wait for that time. 

Falling, peace, bear, verses 13 & 25

Duplexity of Jesus’ proclamation: revealed and concealed. Though they heard Jesus' words, they could not comprehend the meaning. They will understand later when the word comes true (verse 4). In doing so, they should learn to trust in Jesus, even when they couldn’t understand. Also, their faith will be strengthened when it happens. “When it happens you may believe that I am he.” (13:19, 14:29).

“you cannot bear them now” (12) It means, ‘You cannot understand them now.’ ‘You cannot focus on Jesus because of too much indigestible information.’ 

The Triune God through the Church: The church, as the body of Christ, gets hatred from the world while she testifies about Christ. The Holy Spirit reproves the world, that had rejected Christ, through the ministry of the church. The Father answers their prayers and loves the church. Thus, the church is the way that the Triune God reveals Himself, proclaims, and rules in the world. 

Though we are full of doubts, despair, or vain confidence in ourselves, we can have peace in Jesus Christ. He has defeated the power of death and broken his chain. The Holy Spirit will reveal, guide, and strengthen us. How relieved and thankful that our salvation hangs on the Holy Trinity! Jesus has conquered the world. The Spirit will carry us through. The Father wills that.


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