40: Trial and denials: “Have one man die for the people” (John 18:12 – 27)

Jesus was brought to Annas, the high priest. Meanwhile, Peter denied Jesus three times.

๐Ÿ‘‰ Read John 18:12 - 27

Q1. What did the high priest Caiaphas say? 

It is to their advantage that one man die for the people.

Caiaphas said this in John 11:50. He meant that it was better to have Jesus die and keep the nation rather than being destroyed by Rome if letting Jesus' movement would trigger any riot against Rome. Ironically, God accepted such a wicked plan and accomplished a greater salvation even for the Gentiles, through His death. 

Q2. When Jesus was brought before (          ), John went into the house too, but (        ) left behind. As John came out and brought him in, the (           ) who watched the door said to Peter, “You are one of this man’s (           )!” He replied, “(            )!”

When Jesus was brought before ( Annas ), John went into the house too, but ( Peter ) left behind. As John came out and brought him in, the ( slave girl ) who watched the door said to Peter, “You are one of this man’s ( disciples  )!” He replied, “( I am not )!”

Peter denied Jesus before a slave girl, who was not allowed to testify anything in the court in those days. John details the scene of Peter's denial, except his bitter cry, to allude Peter's heart full of shame and fear. He stayed together with those who recognized Peter (18, 26).  

The disciple who was acquainted with the high priest is known as John. 

Q3. When the high priest questioned about Jesus’ teachings and His disciples, Jesus said, “I have spoken (            ) to the world. I have said nothing in (          ). Why do you ask me?” Then, one man nearby struck Jesus. Jesus said, “If I spoke (          ), why strike me?”  

When the high priest questioned about Jesus’ teachings and His disciples, Jesus said, “I have spoken ( publicly ) to the world. I have said nothing in ( secret ). Why do you ask me?” Then, one man nearby struck Jesus. Jesus said, “If I spoke ( correctly ), why strike me?”

Jesus’ deeds contrast with their deeds and thus prove they are doing wrong. 

They arrested Jesus without any evidence of wrongdoing. Also, they are doing this trial at night, which is illegal, while Jesus did nothing in secret. Furthermore, Annas had been dismissed from the high priest but acted as one.

Q4. Compare John 18:15 – 27 with Matthew 26:57 – 75. John omitted the cry of (         ) after his denials and Jesus’ acknowledgment, “You will see the (            ) sitting at the right hand of the (          ).” John didn’t record Jesus’ condemnation by the Jewish council. 

Peter, Son of Man, Power.

Jesus’ sacrifice was to save His people. John continually emphasizes this. ‘When I am lifted up, I will draw all people to myself.’ (12:32)  ‘One man dies for the people.’ (18:14)

In that sense, John didn’t record Peter’s bitter cry or Jesus’ condemnation. Instead, John reveals the weakness and evil of the people He died for, through Peter's denials and the religious leaders' evil deeds. 


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