41: Before Pilate: “My kingdom is not from this world.” (John 18:28 – 40)

Before the Roman governor, a ruler of this world, Jesus announced that His kingdom wasn't from this world and He had come to testify to the truth.

👉 Read John 18:28 - 40

Q1. At that time, the Roman authority was turning a blind eye to the Jewish authority executing people according to Jewish law. Then, why did they say to Pilate that they couldn’t legally put anyone to death? 

They wanted Jesus to be crucified by the Romans. (32)

Being crucified on the tree could be interpreted as being cursed by God (Deut 21:23). They wanted to announce through Jesus’ crucifixion that Jesus was cursed by God and could not be the Messiah.

Though He bore the curse, God’s grace overwhelmed the curse of our sins. The symbol of the curse has become the one of hope. 

Q2. Pilate wondered why the Jews handed Jesus over to him. “Are you the (        ) of the Jews? (        ) own people and (        ) chief priests handed you over to me. What have you done?”

King, Your, your.

Verse 28, “They did not go into the governor’s residence,” is unique in John’s gospel. John describes how much the Jews didn’t get along with the Gentiles. It is emphasized that Jesus was handed over to the Gentiles by His own people and the Jewish authority.

“What have you done?” Pilate wondered how this popular guy could be rejected by his own people even though He didn’t do anything wrong. 

Q3.  Why did the King come to the world and bear the cross?  

To testify to the truth so that those who belong to the truth hear His voice. 

What is the truth? As a whole, Jesus' life, ministry, and teachings collectively proclaimed the truth. Thus, only through a personal relationship with Jesus could one discern the truth.

The cross revealed our sinfulness and God’s forgiving grace. Why cross? Sturbbon blindness of our hearts could only be shattered and enlightened by the cross. Similarly, your sacrifice will make them understand the gospel of the cross. 

Against the authorities of this world, the cross was the way our King proclaimed “My kingdom is not from this world” and disproved the authorities of this world. 

“belong to the truth” In his writings, John describes salvation as an issue of ‘belongingness.’ Who belongs to the truth? Literally speaking, they agree with Jesus’ message, especially that they are sinners and in need of the Savior. 

“hear His voice” The truth is not something you can understand the moment you hear it. Once you have accepted the truth, you will know more about it through fellowship with the Lord.

The cross is the voice of our Lord who is calling His sheep. Don’t ignore His crying voice.

“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep” (John 10:11)

“For this is the way God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16)

Q4. Pilate announced that Jesus was without guilt (verse     ) and wanted to release Him. But they wanted the robber (         ) to be released. This proved they belonged to evildoers. 

Verse 38, Barabbas

The Kingdom of God does not derive its origins from this world, nor does it come from the Jews.

The Roman politicians didn't believe the truth. The question, "What is the truth?" alludes to his doubt about the absolute truth. Because Pilate believed no truth, he sentenced Jesus to be crucified even though he knew He was innocent, for the sake of his political security. These days, people don't acknowledge the absolute truth and go after relativism saying, 'everyone is right.' But, Jesus died on the cross to testify to the truth. Please find the absolute truth and value in the Lord so that you can devote your life, not like Pilate who sways according to his own benefits denying the truth.

The Jews wanted an earthly kingdom of God and, thus, rejected Jesus who said, 'My kingdom is not from this world.' We should be alerted to any endeavor aimed at constructing a visible realm of God on earth, which is commonly known as Christendom.. Do you believe the truth of Jesus? Then, anticipate the coming of His kingdom rather than setting up one on your own. Any form of Christendom would be illusive and heretic. When the will of God is reinforced by written laws, not by grace and the Spirit, it is Christendom, not the Kingdom of God.

Jesus was the King who came to announce His Kingdom that doesn’t belong to this world and inaugurated the Kingdom through the cross. 

If you hear His voice on the cross, why don’t you come nearer to the cross?


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