43: The Cross: The ministry of the King (John 19:17 – 27)

The cross was the ministry of the King. And it means a perfect surrender of everything. After that, the King delineated His earthly relationship with the family.

πŸ‘‰ Read John 19: 17 - 27

Q1. Though the Jewish leaders didn’t like it, Pilate forced the notice to be ‘Jesus the Nazarene, the (               ).’ And it was written in Aramaic, (         ), and (        ). They crucified him at the place called “(                  ).”

Though the Jewish leaders didn’t like it, Pilate forced the notice to be ‘Jesus the Nazarene, the ( King of the Jews ).’ And it was written in Aramaic, ( Latin ), and ( Greek ). They crucified him at the place called “( the Place of Skull ).”

The Jews rejected Jesus as their king. 

Pilate wrote it in three languages and wanted everyone to read and join his mocking of the Jews. 

However, the opponent of Jesus’ battle was not Rome nor the Jews, but the death. At the Place of Skull, which vividly proclaimed the victory of the death over Adam’s descendants, the battle of the King was engaged, and His victory was anticipated. 

Know that your battle is not against flesh and blood but against the power of death and sin. If you don’t make sure of this every day, your defeat is guaranteed.

The king of the Jews. Pilate has written it as a mockery, the Jews rejected it. But we observe the wonderful providence of God: to achieve His good even from the consequences of human ignorance and sin. 

Q2. “This took place to fulfill the scripture that says, ‘They (        ) my garments among them, and for my clothing they (              ).’”

Divided, threw dice.

In ancient days, clothing was one of the important personal properties. Removal of garments and tunic was followed by his death. Jesus was crucified naked on the cross. He gave away everything for the battle against death.

It was not a death of dignity, but one of humiliation. He laid down his dignity as well. 

Q3. Jesus said to Mary, “Woman, look here is (            ).” And He said to John, “Look, here is (           ).”   

Your son, your mother.

After Jesus finishes his ministry on earth, He will return to the Father. It was a proper time for Him to rearrange the relationship of those who will remain. He entrusted His mother under John’s care. 

Even at the time of severe pain and agony, Jesus took care of His mother. Also, we interpret that the cross was not being defeated but overcoming death by proclaiming the way of life. Your sacrifice for the Name could proclaim the Name more vividly than anything else. 

Our King marched into death to destroy the death. And His victory will be confirmed through His resurrection. 

Your battle is against death and sin. Be faithful to your heavenly calling. 

Don’t ignore your earthly responsibility nor cling to it.


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