46: Believe and Proclaim (John 20:19 – 31)

Though they were supposed to believe the message of the resurrection, they couldn't. Now, Jesus appeared to them and commissioned them to proclaim the resurrection to others. Thus, the gospel has been transferred to us now. 

πŸ‘‰ Read John 20: 19 - 31

Q1. When the disciples gathered together and (          ) the door of the place because they were (          ) of the Jewish leaders, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “(              )!”

When the disciples gathered together and ( locked  ) the door of the place because they were (  afraid  ) of the Jewish leaders, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “( Peace be with you  )!”

When you don’t believe in the resurrection, you will be afraid of the world.

Q2. ‘Just as the Father has sent me, I also send you.’ Jesus is sending His disciples in the same manner as God has sent Him. What facts does the manner entail? (two, verses 22 and 23)

He gives the Holy Spirit

He gives the authority (to the church? Or Christians) to forgive sins.

When the Lord sends His messengers or workers, He delegates His authority and gives His Spirit. We are His representative. That’s why Jesus said, ‘Whoever receives you receives me.’

Q3. Find three verses of Jesus saying ‘peace be with you.’  

Verses 19, 21, 26

In OT, peace (in Hebrew, Shalom) represents the ideal status when everything is in the order of the Creator. Here, the proclamation of peace meant, mainly, the restoration of a peaceful relationship with God. It was an amazing moment that the creation under the curse because of Adam’s sin (Gen 3:14 – 19) was going to be restored through the children of God who are reconciled with the Father.

Q4. Thomas didn’t believe their testimonies of resurrection. Jesus appeared to them again and said, ‘Put your (      ) here and examine my hands. Extend your hand and put it into my (        ). Do not (        ) in your unbelief, but (       ).” “(          ) are the people who have not seen and yet have (          ).”

‘Put your ( finger ) here and examine my hands. Extend your hand and put it into my ( side ). Do not ( continue ) in your unbelief, but ( believe  ).” “( Blessed ) are the people who have not seen and yet have ( believed  ).”

How nice Jesus was! He didn't rebuke their unbelief!

See how many times Jesus tells us to believe. They (not only Thomas) had not believed the report of resurrection. Later, when Jesus appeared, they learned they had to believe the report without seeing Jesus. In this way, Jesus challenged them to believe without experiencing. 

Now, they have seen the resurrection. Therefore, the resurrection of Jesus was not something to believe for them. It became a part of their experience. Then, what should they believe? They were to believe Jesus' promises that haven't yet accomplished, for example, their own resurrection. 

Keep taking steps of faith toward the world of uncertainty according to His promise. It is our pilgrim of faith.

Q5. Why did John record Jesus’ miracles and messages? 

The readers would believe in Jesus Christ and have life in His name.

The gospel was not to satisfy our curiosity but to challenge us to believe in Jesus. It is not to accumulate knowledge but to stimulate faith. Stop investigating and evaluating. Fill the gap of uncertainty with your faith. When the Lord fills the gap, you will experience the Lord.

Do you believe in Jesus as your Lord and Savior? Then, you are blessed!


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