47: Deja Vu: Confirming the Relationship (John 21:1 – 14)

Now, they returned to Galilee from Jerusalem. Though they experienced the resurrection and were to witness it, they didn’t know what to do. Jesus came and confirmed their discipleship.

πŸ‘‰ Read John 21:1 - 14

Q1. Even though they experienced Jesus’ resurrection, they went out fishing. Simon Peter told them, “I am going (          ).” They replied, “(                  ).” They went out and got into the boat, but that night they caught (          ).

Simon Peter told them, “I am going ( fishing ).” They replied, “( We will go with you ).” They went out and got into the boat, but that night they caught ( nothing ).

Though some were not fishermen, they followed Peter because they had nothing to do. However, they caught nothing and could not fill the emptiness in their hearts. 

Do you have a passion for the gospel but don’t know what to do? You need to encounter Jesus once again. Once the vision of God has come into your heart, nothing can satisfy your heart other than the Lord. 

Q2. When they threw the net on the (       ) side of the boat according to the man’s advice, they could not pull it in because of the (              ). The fish counted (          ), but the net was not (         ). 

When they threw the net on the ( right ) side of the boat according to the man’s advice, they could not pull it in because of the ( large number of fish ). The fish counted ( 153 ), but the net was not ( torn ).

Jesus had promised them to make fishers of men when they met Jesus for the first time three years ago. Jesus shows them that they will become fishers of men when they follow Jesus' instructions.

The net was not torn. When you follow His direction, you won’t be burnt out.

Q3. When John said, ‘It is the Lord,’ (           ) jumped into the sea to go to Jesus. … Jesus said, “(                )”. None of them dared to ask him, “(             )” because they knew it was (            ). Jesus took the (           ) and gave it to them, and did the same with the (        ).   

When John said, ‘It is the Lord,’ ( Simon Peter  ) jumped into the sea to go to Jesus. … Jesus said, “( Come, have breakfast  )”. None of them dared to ask him, “( Who are you? )” because they knew it was ( the Lord ). Jesus took the ( bread ) and gave it to them, and did the same with the ( fish ).

They did not recognize Jesus at first. But, they must be longing to meet Jesus. Peter jumped into the water when he heard it was the Lord. However, when they recognized Jesus, they didn't say a word. They dared not to ask, ‘Who are you?’ but neither joyfully welcomed Him. The silence implicitly reflects the tension of various thoughts and emotions in their hearts caused by the Lord’s death and resurrection and their failure.

This encounter reminds them of the two events: the first encounter with the Lord and the last meal before His death. Jesus wanted to confirm their discipleship, 'You are still my disciples.' And Jesus behaved as if nothing had happened since their romantic fellowship in the days in Galilee.

Do you have a mission but don't know the direction? The Lord will guide you.

Are you discouraged because of failure while following the Lord? The Lord will come and tell you that He still loves you.

Wait for the Lord.


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