48: Do you love me? Feed my sheep and follow me (John 21:15 – 25)

At the first encounter, Jesus had told them, ‘Follow me, I will make you fishers of men.’ Now, Jesus is telling them what is to be the fishers of men. The 2nd phase of discipleship starts after Jesus’ resurrection. 

πŸ‘‰ Read John 21:15 - 25

Q1. After an awkwardly silent breakfast, Jesus got to the point of restoring Peter's broken spirit. Jesus didn’t rebuke Peter but asked him if he (         ) Jesus. But, Peter dared not to confirm his love. Instead, he said, ‘Yes, Lord, you (        ) I love you.’ Then, Jesus said, ‘Feed (      ) sheep.’ 

After an awkwardly silent breakfast, Jesus got to the point of restoring Peter's broken spirit. Jesus didn’t rebuke Peter but asked him if he (  loved  ) Jesus. But, Peter dared not to confirm his love. Instead, he said, ‘Yes, Lord, you ( know  ) I love you.’ Then, Jesus said, ‘Feed ( my ) sheep.’

“Do you love me more than these do?” Jesus’ question reminded Peter of his saying, ‘Even if all fall away on account of you, I never will.’ (Matt 26:33). 

Love for the Lord matters more than ministry success.

Jesus helped Peter to be restored after the three times of denials. Though Peter denied, his love has not changed. Jesus knew this and wanted Peter to realize that He knew Peter's love for Him. Jesus foreknew of Peter's denial but loved him nonetheless. Even after Peter's denial, Jesus died on the cross for him. 

Now, Jesus came to him and confirmed that He knows Peter still loves Him, despite his denial. Jesus understood Peter's heart, which couldn't bring itself to confess his love for the Lord out loud, and He embraced that pain. 

To Peter, who was in despair, unable to call himself a disciple because of his failures and weaknesses, Jesus acknowledged that Peter loved Him more than anyone else and entrusted him with His flock.

Q2. What should be the motivation when you serve the church?

Love for Jesus

Our love for Jesus should be manifested through feeding and shepherding the Lord’s flock. 

Q3. Peter wanted to love Jesus more than anyone else. The passion for the Lord and the desire for the flesh intermingled in his heart and made him overconfident that he could follow Jesus to death. He followed Jesus as much as he could but found himself denying the one he loved. His weakness was his desire to be the first to love and serve the Lord. What was Jesus’ remedy for this? (18 – 19, 21 – 22)  


No comparison

Q4. How did we come to know the works of Jesus? (24)

Through the testimony of the disciple.

We are to believe his testimony.

Do you love Jesus? He knows it. Don't try to prove your love by some religious acts. Instead, serve and shepherd the brothers. 

Don't compare yourself with others in ministry. 


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