02: Rahab, the woman of faith, encouraged Joshua (Josh 2:1 – 24)

Those clumsy spies were almost caught by the king of Jericho. They were able to save their lives through the protection and guidance of a prostitute with extraordinary wisdom. 

πŸ‘‰ Read Joshua 2:1 - 24

Q1. (1 – 7) Joshua sent (       ) spies to Jericho to know about the city. As they entered the house of (              ) the prostitute, it was reported to Jericho's king. The king sent soldiers and asked for the spies. But Rahab hid them on the (              ) of her house.

Two, Rahab, roof

Q2. (9 – 14) Rahab’s words can be summarized in two sentences. “I know the Lord is handing (              ) over to you. We are absolutely (            ) of you, for we heard what (            ) has done.” “Give me a solemn (             ). Rescue us from (           ).”

“I know the Lord is handing ( this land  ) over to you. We are absolutely ( terrified  ) of you, for we heard what ( the Lord  ) has done.” “Give me a solemn (  pledge  ). Rescue us from ( death  ).”

They heard the confession of faith from the mouth of a Canaanite woman.

3. What are the three conditions that her request would be granted? (v17 ~ 20) 

- The rope should be tied to the window of the house

- Everyone should stay in the house

- She needed to keep it secret.


Q4. What information about Jericho did the spies bring?  (23 – 24) Compare it with what Joshua had wanted to know in sending spies (1).

“The Lord is handing over all the land to us”

Joshua wanted to know what is the best way to attack Jericho. But the Lord confirmed Joshua of the victory by the Lord. Note that the Lord has yet to disclose His plan of capturing Jericho.

As we struggle to find a solution, the Lord assures us that He is the answer, instead of telling us how.  

Rahab’s words encouraged Joshua and the Israelites. 

Rahab risked her life to save the spies. Behaving faith sometimes requires you to risk your life.


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