03: The Lord led them to an untrodden path, even to the bottom of Jordan (Josh 3:1 – 17)

They crossed the Jordan River to enter Canaan. Why did the Lord make them go through this unusual path?

πŸ‘‰ Read Joshua 3:1 - 17

Q1. Why did they keep their distance from the ark? (4)

For they had not traveled that way before.

Archaeological evidence does not indicate the presence of permanent bridges or well-trodden routes across the Jordan River near Jericho during the late Bronze Age.

The priests would look for better courses along the terrain of the Jordan Valley, for there wasn’t a trodden road. Being distant from the priests would give the whole congregation less difficulty in passing the terrain.

Q2. Why did they need to consecrate themselves? (5)

The Lord will perform miraculous deeds among them.

The Lord’s presence demands their cleanness. They were to consecrate themselves when God’s hand was among them. Then, how much more shall we do so, in whom God's Spirit lives!

Q3. Why did God make them miraculously cross the Jordan River? (v7-8, v9-10)

- to let them know the Lord is with Joshua

- to let them know God is among the Israelites and going to drive the Canaanites

the crossing of the Jordan River in front of Jericho was not along an established travel route. It was a miraculous event orchestrated by God to demonstrate His power and to facilitate the Israelites' entry into Canaan. This crossing set a precedent for the Israelites, marking the beginning of their conquest of the Promised Land. 

Q4. The author explains in detail how the water stopped. When did the water stop? 

When the priests’ feet touched the water

A quake and a landslide, that’s what has dammed up the Jordan River many times – once in 1927 at Adam, the very spot the Bible says the water stopped for Joshua and the Israelites to cross into the promised land. 

* The scientific explanation for the Bible. Pros: It helps us to accept the historical reality of the incidents. Cons: It might dilute the transcendency of God’s power. We might put God under the law of Physics and Mathematics. The scientific approach is only helpful in strengthening our weak faith. It won’t generate faith but only reinforces self-confidence and reliance on our reasons. Stick to the text, or you might miss God’s message.

Q5. The priests carrying (                       ) of the Lord stood firmly on (                 ) in the middle of the Jordan. All Israel crossed over on (                 ) until the entire nation was on the other side.

The ark of the covenant, dry ground, dry ground.

This sentence could conclude chapter 3, which describes their departure on the untrodden path that symbolizes the crossing of the Jordan and ultimately the conquest of Canaan.

Though the Lord leads us to an untrodden path, you will experience His presence there. Consecrate and make yourself ready for the Lord. When you step forward in faith, you will experience peace of ‘dry gound’ amid the chaotic world of turbulent water.


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