07: Achan caused the whole community contaminated (Josh 7:1 – 26)

God’s kindness saved those who belong to Rahab. God’s severity punished the whole Israelites because of Achan.

πŸ‘‰ Read Joshua 7:1 - 26

Q1. Who disobeyed the Lord’s command? 

The Israelites & Achan. 

It seems strange to us that the Lord made them be defeated because of one person. We are so accustomed to individual faith and individual salvation which are not biblical. 

Achan was the active violator. And the Israelites tolerated him among God’s holy congregation.

Q2. Can you find two causes of their defeat by Ai? (v1 – 3)

The primary reason is the Lord’s anger.

The triggering cause is Joshua’s human confidence

It seems that Joshua’s overconfident plan without asking the Lord was the direct cause of their failure. However, the primary reason was their disobedience (מָΧ’ַל acted unfaithfully). Verse 13 will explain more. 

In verse 2, the Lord already decided to do something against the Israelites. Joshua’s self-confidence triggered the execution of it.

Q3. In his prayer, Joshua couldn’t understand why (             ) had made them be defeated before the Amorites after such a miraculous crossing of the Jordan and how the Lord could protect His (             ). (v7 – 9)

The Lord, great reputation

Joshua knew that it was the Lord who caused them to be defeated.

The Lord is willing to be humiliated if He could cleanse His people and save them from sin and death. This is the mystery of the cross. 

Q4. According to the Lord’s reply, why could they not win their enemies? (two. v12, v13)

They acquired the things destined for annihilation. 

They were contaminated so God could not be with them.

The Lord wanted His chosen people to be pure and holy. It was so especially at this moment when they were entering the land of wealth and depravity. If the Lord had left Achan's violation unpunished, greedy desire would spread through all the Israelites. Therefore, He needed to dissect the contaminated part from His congregation.

The Lord deals harshly with any acts that deteriorate or break down the church. Remember what happened to Ananias and Sapphira when their deceit was about to break down the holiness of the newborn church, the bride of Christ. That's why Jesus said that anyone who causes one of God's children to stumble would better be thrown into the sea with a millstone on his neck. 

Q5. What did Achan take and hide?

A robe from Babylon, 200 silver pieces, and a 50 shekel gold bar 

Q6. How did God’s anger subside? 

By stoning Achan and his family and burning his possessions. 

Is God harsh? What wrong had his wife and children done? We cannot fully comprehend God's justice except only a few observations. 

First, God makes us accountable for the iniquity of the group that we belong to. 

Second, all humans are destined to die because of sin, sooner or later. Achan's violation hastened the execution of the death. 

Third, the Lord's punishment doesn't mean eternal condemnation because OT doesn't explicitly mention eternal salvation. However, one's name being cut off from the Israelites could be serious condemnation.

Amid the Jericho conquest where God’s great power was manifested, Rahab and her family were saved from destruction. Achan chose to belong to what was condemned by the Lord deserting the privilege of the chosen holy people.

Also, we are to keep our church and our family from any iniquity. If we tolerate anything detestable to God among us, we all will be accountable for it.

From the story of Jericho and Ai, we learn that our enemy is not outside but inside of us. Don't let sin destroy us and our community.


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