08: Ai victory and Blessing ceremony (Josh 8:1 – 35)

Removal of the contamination restored their relationship with the Lord. The battle of Ai illustrates how faithfully they followed the Lord's direction and how the Lord worked alongside them.

πŸ‘‰ Read Joshua 8:1 - 35

Q1. What was the Lord’s instruction to Joshua? (three, v2)

Do to Ai and its king what they did to Jericho.

They may take plunder.

Set an ambush

Q2. Joshua made a detailed plan according to the Lord’s overall direction: set an (           ) and set the city on (          ) (3 - 8). Everything went just as they planned (10 – 17). The Lord asked Joshua to hold out toward Ai his (            ) and thus gave him a clear sign of attack from ambush.

Ambush, fire, curved sword

Q3. What is the order of these five incidents? (sword, Fire, Turning back, ambush attack, panic)

Sword, ambush attack, fire, panic of Ai soldiers, turning back to attack Ai soldiers. 

God knew what time they needed to attack Ai from their ambush. God had not told He would sign them when to turn back. Maybe Joshua is worried about when to attack Ai and turn back. However, as they followed God’s direction in faith, He helped them in a proper time. 

Many times, the Lord's instruction in our life is not in full detail but clear enough for us to follow. He is the director and co-actor with us. Don’t be anxious. Focus on doing your role, He will do His part in His time.

Q4.  V22 – 29 explained what they did to Ai. Summarize three sentences. (v22-26, v27, v28-29)

Killed all men and women, 

took plunder, 

made it a ruin.

The text narrates that they did as the Lord had commanded. (27)

Q5. After Ai conquest, they offered (           ) and (           ) offerings at Mt. Ebal. Joshua inscribed on the stones the law before everyone's eyes. He read aloud all the words of the law of Moses, including (            ) and (             ), while they were standing on (              ) and (            ). He read it before (          ).

After Ai conquest, they offered ( burnt ) and ( peace ) offerings at Mt. Ebal. Joshua inscribed on the stones the law of Moses before everyone's eyes. He read aloud all the words of the law, including ( the blessings ) and ( the curses ), while they were standing on ( Mt. Gerizim  ) and ( Mt. Ebal ). He read it before ( everyone ).

The geographical shape of the site makes a speaker’s voice heard on both hillsides. Likewise, the shouts of a crowd on Gerizim could be heard on Ebal, and vice versa.

The resident foreigners were also included (33, 35) in this formal blessing and curse ceremony.

Was Jericho an offering to God as the first town of the land? As they failed to offer it completely by stealing, Ai could work as a substitute offering for Jericho. 

Ai battle shows their relationship with the Lord is completely restored. The Lord encouraged Joshua (1, 18). They followed the Lord’s instruction (8, 27). The Lord was with them through the battle (18, 26). Their covenantal relationship was confirmed with the blessing ceremony in Mt. Gerizim and Mt. Ebal.

This place is located in the center of Canaan. The land of Canaan is the place where you can get blessings through your obedience. This rule will be applied to anyone who lives in the land, regardless of ethnicity.   

The covenantal curse was put on Jesus’ body and the new covenant was set up by His blood.


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