10: The Southern coalition army fought against the Lord (Josh 10:1 – 27)

Now, the Israelites needed to fight the united army of five kings. 

πŸ‘‰ Read Joshua 10:1 - 27

Q1. Why did the five Canaanite kings make a coalition to fight against Gibeon?

The Gibeonites made a treaty with Joshua and the Israelites. 

Interestingly, the author keeps saying ‘Joshua and the Israelites’ instead of ‘the Israelites.’ 

Maybe Joshua had planned to attack the Canaanite cities one by one. However, the mistake of making a treaty caused them to engage in war with the allied army.

However, at such a fearful moment, even though it was caused by their mistake, the Lord helped them more miraculously than before.

We don’t need to fear too much of making mistakes. Follow the Lord courageously, He will back up and support you.

Q2. Find verses that say the Lord God fought for Israel. (four verses)

v10, 11,12,14

Joshua was not perfect in following the Lord; he made mistakes in the battles of Ai and with the Gibeonites. However, he remained faithful in his commitment to the Lord. The Lord even listened to his prayer to stop the sun. What truly matters is the orientation of our hearts. (This is not to say that making mistakes is acceptable; the consequences can be bitter, but they can ultimately accomplish God's goodness for us.) Despite our shortcomings, the Lord listens to our prayers because He is our Father.

Q3. "O (       ), stand still over Gibeon; O (         ), over the Valley of Aijalon." There has not been a day like it before or since. The Lord listened to (             ), for the Lord fought for (           )!  

"O ( sun ), stand still over Gibeon; O ( moon ), over the Valley of Aijalon." There has not been a day like it before or since. The Lord listened to ( human being ), for the Lord fought for ( Israel )!  

Q4. What did Joshua do to the five kings? 

Joshua asked the army commanders to put their feet on the necks of the five kings and encouraged them saying, “Be strong and brave, for the Lord will do the same thing to all your enemies you fight.”

'Fear vs courage' is one of the themes in the Book of Joshua. The most effective weapon of the Lord attacking the Canaanites was 'fear.' And He encouraged Joshua to be courageous. 

At times in our lives, we face unexpected challenges that can discourage us, whether due to our own mistakes or circumstances beyond our control. Remember this: as you stay in the Lord, any opposition against you is ultimately against the Lord. “Be strong and brave, for the Lord will be with you, in Christ.”


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