13: The list of the Kings defeated and their lands (Josh 12:1 - 24)

Chapter 12 lists the names of the kings the Israelites defeated and whose lands were assigned to the Israelite tribes.

πŸ‘‰ Read Joshua 12:1 - 24

Q1. On the east side of the Jordan, King (            ) of the Amorites had ruled the territory from Aroer all the way to the (           ) including the eastern (            ). King (        ), one of the Rephaites, ruled over (             ), all Bashan, and half of (            ) as far as the border of King Sihon.

On the east side of the Jordan, King ( Sihon ) of the Amorites had ruled the territory from Aroer all the way to the ( Jabok Valley ) including the eastern ( rift valley ). King ( Og ), one of the Rephaites, ruled over ( Mount Hermon ), all Bashan, and half of ( Gilead  ) as far as the border of King Sihon.

Q2. Moses (               ) assigned their land to (          ), (        ), and the half-tribe of (           ).

The Lord’s servant, Reuben, God, Manasseh

It was the Lord who defeated them and assigned their lands to the Israelites. 

Q3. Find the cities of the 31 kings Joshua defeated on the map. 11 cities are not shown on the map.

Q4. The author added ‘one’ for each listing of the kings. There were (         ) kings in this land. Each (       ) of them claimed his own kingship in his land. However, the Lord destroyed their kingdoms and announced his sole (         ) over the land. Each Israelite tribe was assigned to rule the land as a representative of the King of kings.

Thrity one, one, kingship

The land was assigned to the Israelites so that they could bring God’s reign over the land.

Have you lived as 'one' king in your territory? Submit to the Lord and announce the kingship of the Lord in daily life. His kingdom will come through you wherever He sends you to.


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