02: Samuel’s dedication & Hannah’s Song ( 1Samuel 1:20 – 2:11)
Through her barrenness and the birth of Samuel, Hannah proclaimed the sovereignty of the Lord who raises and lowers, kills and gives life.
👉 Read 1Samuel 1:20 – 2:11
Q1. Why did Hannah not accompany the family trip for the yearly sacrifice to the Lord?
She wanted to stay until Samuel was weaned.
Verses 22-24 repeatedly say this.
Q2. What do you think Hannah has meant by naming the boy Samuel? (20, 27-28, 11)
“I asked (borrowed) the Lord for him.”
The Hebrew word for ‘to ask’ שָׁאַל also means ‘to borrow.’ As she planned to dedicate her son to the Lord, she had intended to borrow him for a moment to prove she was not cursed (11). After weaning Samuel, Hannah returned him to the Lord (27-28).
The literal meaning of the name Samuel(שְׁמוּאֵל) is ‘his name is El (God).’ In his name, Hannah implied that Samuel came from the Lord and belonged to Him.
Q3. Hannah’s song helps us to understand how Christians should interpret our life’s events. Despite life's difficulties, we should not complain but praise the Lord, for there is ( ) like Him who is the Judge and the ( ) (1-3). There are events we cannot fully ( ) (4-5). Therefore, we must acknowledge ( ), who humbles and exalts, controlling all things (6-8). However, His reign is neither random nor whimsical; He protects ( ), destroys His adversaries, and exalts His ( ) (9-10).
Hannah’s song helps us to understand how Christians should interpret our life’s events. Despite life's difficulties, we should not complain but praise the Lord, for there is ( no one ) like Him who is the Judge and the ( Savior ) (1-3). There are events we cannot fully ( comprehend ) (4-5). Therefore, we must acknowledge ( the Lord ), who humbles and exalts, controlling all things (6-8). However, His reign is neither random nor whimsical; He protects ( His people ), destroys His adversaries, and exalts His ( anointed one ) (9-10).
Q4. According to Hannah’s song, what is the uniqueness of the Lord?
- He is holy and sovereign and judges all.
- He protects His people and glorifies His anointed one.
- Though His ways are not visible to all, He controls everything according to His will and blesses His people and His servants.
Verse 3 uses the name, “the Lord of Heaven’s Armies.” Though it is not addressed in Hannah’s song, the sovereignty of the Lord is alluded to in her song.
These verses show Elkanah’s understanding of God was limited to retributive (or materialistic) blessings. “Am I not better to you than ten sons?” (8) He didn’t know what matters to Hannah, which was not wealth but recognition from the Lord. “Only may the Lord fulfill his promise” (23) Elkanah didn’t want Hannah’s staying to affect the Lord’s blessing, for he thought coming to the regular worship brings the Lord’s promised blessings. That’s why Hannah needed Elkanah’s permission to stay home. verse 22 alludes to such an interpretation.
The Bible says, “THIS MAN would go up from his city YEAR AFTER YEAR to sacrifice to the Lord of heaven's armies at Shiloh” (3) Look at those words emphasized by the author. Elkanah was unusually faithful to the regular sacrifice. Verse 21 also emphasized this. However, his understanding of YHWH God was limited to the God who blessed those who faithfully worshipped Him, but not to the Sovereign Lord who intervenes in human life with His own initiatives to bring greater good. Hannah’s barrenness was not from her sin but from the Sovereign Lord’s bigger plan. Meanwhile, Elkanah failed to recognize the Lord's providence nor participate in Hannah's joyous song, as verse 11 alludes.
Hannah respected the Lord’s providence to leave her childless and thus asked the Lord to borrow the boy to vindicate her from the accusation that she was rejected by the Lord. Once her purpose was met, she returned the boy to the Lord. She learned the mystery of the Sovereign God's providence, a depth of understanding that no one else, not even Elkanah, had experienced.
If you are enduring incomprehensible suffering, know that the Lord has prepared a greater plan than the path you have walked so far. Focus more on the Lord, not your own plan, and you will come to understand His goodwill from the depths of His heart and witness His salvation.
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